lovely shadows

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(warning possible beginning confusion.)

"robin told us all about this right," you asked yourself thinking her story was make believe like they sometimes were. (not often though). "in that case i'm stuck till someone notices thats not really me and comes to help me." you said and you could feel yourself getting sleepy as you pulled you knees to your chest and rested your head there feeling like you could cry. it was cold in here and you shivered to prove it.

on the thousand sunny everyone was laughing and having fun. "look luffy she's back." chopper called from the side of the ship facing the island. "all right, was it fun." luffy called helping you up the side of the ship. "not really just a bunch of crap." you said being not very nice to the two of them. "wait (y/n) didn't you have on your (fave color) shirt on today." chopper asked. "what are you blind i've had this on all day." you said again not being nice at all. "o-oh, ok." chopper said going to the lounge by himself.

you went up to the crows nest and found zoro up there without his shirt and lifting his weights you cat called him. when he heard the whistle he thought it was the cook. "very funny cook." he said not turning to see if it was him. "oh i think it's hilarious." you smiled at him, he turned and looked at you slightly concerned. "(y/n), you whistled at me." he asked in disbelief. "sure did sexy." you winked at him sitting on the bench crossing your legs. "sexy" he mumbled to himself. "come over and sit with me, you look tired." she said and he noticed something off. "i was done anyways." zoro said setting his weight away and collecting his towel to dry off. "so how was the island." he asked sitting a good few feet away from you. "boring mostly dirt and more dirt, there was one cave but thats about it." you said and he just thought. "ya know, your pretty good looking," you said scooting a little closer to zoro.

"thanks, i guess." he said still thinking not really paying much attention. she scooted close enough to press her chest on zoros shoulder. that caught his attention. he tensed up not knowing what to do. "aw don't be shy, a sexy guy like you should definitely be use to things like this." she said. "actually i'm" she cut him off. "shh, doesn't matter, kiss me." she whispered to him turning his head. zoro shot up from where he sat and left the crows nest blushing like mad and he didn't care who saw right now. "luffy." zoro said grabbing his attention. "thats not, (y/n)" zoro said. "what makes *you* say that." he asked making the you sound like someone else said it before zoro did. "she was hitting on me, like a lot, i mean i like her don't get me wrong but she's not the one to flirt with me, she even cat called me." he said. blushing ear to ear. "she even made chopper cry." luffy said. "sh-she did." zoro asked a little set back. "yeah." luffy said. "where is he now." zoro asked. "in the kitchen with the others." luffy said looking out to the island.

zoro went to the kitchen. inside (y/n) beat him there, chopper was at the table sitting in robins lap while nami spoke to him. of course the cook was flirting with (y/n) and she was flirting back harder then the cook could handle. "zoro," chopper asked zoro walked right over to chopper and sat next to him and gave him a little smile. "i'm gunna go find her." he whispered to chopper and then got up. "i'm gunna walk around the island." zoro announced and just as he got to the door. "why" (y/n) asked. "i've been there, theres nothing there but trees a cave and bunch of nothing good or fun." she said and zoro smirked at her. "you left something behind, and i'm gunna find it." zoro smirked and headed out and (y/n) followed him out and off the ship.

on the island zoro ran around aimlessly to try and find that cave (y/n) or what ever that was said was on the island. "you'll never find it." she yelled up to him. he didn't care what she said. zoro ran and ran until he came across a hill looking lump in the distance. "no" she yelled behind him catching up and knocking him over sitting over him to keep him from moving. "now your mine, i'll make a 'lovely shadow' out of you next." the creature was way stronger then (y/n) was almost just as strong as zoro.

when he finally got her off of him he had a couple scraps but that was the best she could have done to him right now. "(y/n)" zoro yelled into the cave. you could hear a voice but it was getting colder and you were getting sleepy. you heard it again and again until you looked up to see zoro running your direction. "zoro" you mumbled moving to sit on your knees and your hands on what seemed like glass. you seem him fall and a shadow on top of him. it didn't have a face or any distinct features on the inside only the outline of the body and clothing. when zoro got back up be walked in and when you stood up in the glass it shrunk and closed you in tight. it was like a big cold hug. "(y/n)." zoro shouted as he came in the glass tightened in on you little at a time.

"you'll never get her out, she'll die and then you'll be next." the shadow girl said. zoro remembered what robin told then the night before. he walked up to the grass and looked it over. you blushed from being cold, squished and tensed. your hands in front of you clenched into fists. you couldn't feel anything but cold. your eyes shut tight. you felt a sudden warmth, you opened your eyes to see zoro hugging the glass around you but then you realized he wasn't hugging the glass, he was hugging you. you relaxed and rested your head on the glass that outside of would b zoros shoulder. the heat from zoro warmed you up quickly and you loved it.

you hadn't realized that the glass melted away and now you were just in zoros arms. the shadow disappeared, you were still a little cold but while zoro hugged you, you warmed up quickly. "man your cold." zoro chuckled a little. "yeah, but your nice and warm." you told him still hugging him. "come on we'll let chopper warm you up better then me." he said letting you go. "aw come on your warm don't let me go." you whined a little. he shrugged and carried you home bridle style.

about half way there. zoro chuckled. "whats funny." you asked. "i just remembered what today was, valentines day." he smiled at you. "aw thats right." you smiled at him. "i love you." you smiled blushing not really embarrassed to tell him. "yeah, i love you too." he smiled back. you both remembered what robin said.

"only love can free those trapped by the 'lovely shadows'" she said.

when you got back to the ship zoro had told you everything that the shadow did. after blushing like crazy about the thing that happened with zoro he told you about how she made chopper cry. you ran to the kitchen where they were chopper sitting next to robin. you held out your arms for a hug. "chopper i'm so sorry that meany made you cry i would never be so horrible to you." you almost cried and he accepted your hug and you carried him around all day.

"your so cute." zoro smiled at you kissing your head. "happy valentines day." he smiled to you.

the end.

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