#53 War

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You sat on the couch, fiddling with your hands and bouncing your knee. Your breath arose quickly and you could almost hear your heartbeat.

You were so nervous.

I guess not seeing your husband for 8 months could have that kind of effect on you.

There was a sudden click and the front door creaked open slowly, revealing your bruised and beaten soldier. 

He wore a green uniform, he no longer wore his hat so his dirty blonde hair stuck up in several directions. a small smirk grew onto his face as his eyes scanned your body up and down. 

Tears lined your eyes and you stared at him, you put a hand over your mouth and ran towards him quickly. Once you reached him, you threw your arms around his neck and grasped onto him. 

his hands slipped onto your back and he dug his face into the crook of your neck. The feeling of his hands on you made you shiver, but you undeniably loved it.

When you pulled away from the hug, you immediately slipped your hands onto his face and pressed your lips to his gently.

His warm love infected lips grasped a hold of yours and his hands pulled you closer by your mid back.

You sat there for multiple seconds, feeling his body against yours. When you pulled away you stared into his eyes, admiring that beautiful brown shade you hadnt seen in over half a year.

"I missed you so much" You choked out quietly.

"i love you.." He whispered quietly in a raspy voice. His voice sounded like an angel singing in your eyes but in reality it must of sounded tired and cold.

You kissed him again, this time more roughly. He slipped his hands onto your upper thigh just under your ass and picked you up swiftly. You wrapped your legs around his waist tightly and he moved so that your back pressed against the closed door.

Your hands still grasped his face and your lips synchronized perfectly with his. You moved one of your hands up to his hair and you ran your fingers through the clean messy hair. 

This was gonna be one eventful night.


sorry this sucks

i hate it


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