Chapter 2

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War Begins - "Veranda Attack"

Alis glanced out of the window to see her new neighbour turning off the lights as she grinned. She'd been waiting for him to leave and, just her luck, he had done so soon. He is so going to pay for what he did earlier.

She waited for few more minutes, just to make sure he doesn't come back to pick something he forgot, and then she began to commence the plan.

Usually, in a situation like this one would be scared and wouldn't even dream about doing what was she about to do, but the case was different for her - this is her field. Precisely because of that reason, without any further hesitation, she opened her window and took the fishing rod she had leaning on the wall. Then, she proceeded to use it and grab the little bucket filled with red paint as she slowly, yet precisely moved it to Nikolas' veranda with success. She'll make him move out by the end of the day, she'll make him regret that deadly mistake of starting a war with her.

There, she took the small bag with marbles she had prepared for stage 2, and threw it on his veranda before taking a deep breath.

"Time to scare another one, Alis," was all she whispered to herself before climbing on the edge of her veranda.

She had done this so many times before and she was going to do it again now... Well, it was in P.E. and she didn't have to worry about her blood getting sprayed all over the street under if she falls. It's not that far anyway, just 1,5 metres; she can jump that much, no problem. She remembered how he tricked her and threw the balloon with water in her face for no reason - okay, maybe he had a reason, but she was angry and it was his fault for provoking her in the first place, so it's not something worth getting a revenge - and had a newly found determination in her eyes.
Biting her lip once again, she jumped on his veranda reminding herself once again that she had a good reason for going after him.


As he was eating peanuts while walking down the street, Nikolas could only sigh because he couldn't find any pizza in the markets. What was he even thinking? You got pizza from pizzerias, but he was too lazy to walk for an hour to there and back that... Wait, why didn't he take the car?

"Fuck my life," he sighed once again before taking another peanut as he continued further. He should have ordered one - but no, he wanted to stretch his legs and get familiar with his neighborhood. Couldn't have he just left it for the next day or something? But still, it was so weird not wearing the suits all the time like he did before. He glanced at his ripped jeans and white shirt before thinking how nice the clothes he was wearing actually were. The curse of being rich, you have to look 'business' and never mess with your image or you'll have paparazzi and newspapers all around your neck for a while because those people really want nothing else but to speak about your life and keep their newspapers alive and current. Oh, yeah, the curse of the rich.

"Pizza, the real Italian pizza," he heard a voice say before turning his head around to see a guy with flyers announce.

"Pizza..." he mumbled before grinning. Hell yeah, he found it, he found his dinner.

"Signore, would you like some pizza?" the same guy asked as Nikolas got closer to him.

"Are you new here?" he asked, "In the area?" and the man with the flyers grinned.

"Si, signore, and by the looks of it, you are as well," he said earning a smile from Nikolas. He was too damn hungry and the taste of peanuts in his mouth had already started to get on his nerves.

"Moved in today," he shrugged. He's talking to people, so that's a good step. He's been avoiding them for long time, and this seemed like the great opportunity to move forward. Of course, that midget from earlier didn't even count, she was more like an animal than a person.

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