Here we come

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**annie pov**
I have been so depressed this past week. I don't know how to tell Cody or Alice, but maybe this is a good thing. Maybe there won't be bully's. I'll be accepted. I called Cody to come over. I was crying all day. I sat outside waiting for him to arrive.
"Annie? What's up?" He said. I stood up and looked at him. "We need to brake up." I said. "Oh, um. I thought we were broken up already. We haven't talked in weeks. So I got another girlfriend." He said. "O-oh." I then gave a fake smile. "But I still care about you." He smiled. His lips came crashing into mine. I kissed back. It became a deep passionate kiss. I pulled away. "Wait, stop." I said breathing heavily. "What?!" He said agitated. "Kiss me." He smiled. "No! Why, every time I'm upset you take advantage of me. You have cheated on me, hurt me. But yet I keep letting you do this to me. Your such a fuck boy." I said crying tears of anger. "Well your a fat whore. I never liked your ugly ass. I had sex with 6 different girls while I was away. I never thought about you once. It was all an act. I honestly feel bad for your parents. I cared about you once. But your two screwed up for me." He said walking towards me. He suddenly became very mean. "You lied?!" I cried. He smirked. He grabbed my throat and pushed me into the door. "Sweetie, I only liked you for your body." He smirked. "Get away!" I pushed him off of me. "What bitch!" He yelled. He slapped me across my face. I winced in pain. Then he walked away smirking. I needed to get out of this house. It was becoming dark and I needed to go to the store. I went inside "MOM! IM HEADING TO THE STORE WANT ANYTHING?" I yelled. "JUST GET MORE BAGGIES!" She Mom yells  back. "OKAY LOVE YOU!" Then I made a kissie noise.
I got my things and started walking back. I put my earbuds in. Then I feel something grab my arm. "Ah!" I scream.
I'm being jumped!
There is atleast 6 people. They have masks on. They were punching me and kicking me. They would jumped on me. I winced in pain as I started coughing up blood. One person held my legs and another held my arms. They punched my face and my stomach. They jumped on my stomach. They where all yelling all these words. There hands roamed me. Then I got on good kick to the head then the ran away. I let out loud sobs.
"God please." I cried I was so close to my house. I layed there on the side of the road crying. I couldn't see straight, I kept coughing up blood. Blood fell from my lips and cuts from being tripped and dragged on the road. My nose was bleeding. They torn my earring out my ear. I got up and limped home. The pain from my throbbing body was unbearable. I opened the door and cried in the pain. I limped to the bathroom. I took all my clothes off I examined my beaten bloody body. I stood up and looked at me swollen face. Blood running down from my nose and lip. Then everything started going fuzzy. I washed the blood off my face. That did no good, my face was still bruised and swollen. I felt violated. They grabbed my boobs and my butt and touched my whoo ha (bahahah). "I-I'm going to shower" I said as loud as I could. I took my clothes off and filled the bathtub up with hot water. I got it and it stand. "O-OW!" I blurted out. *knock* "you okay in there babe?" Mom said. "Yea, water was to hot." I said. I sat down in the tub and put my knees up to my chest and started crying.
* 40 minutes*
I got out covered myself up in a towel and bolted into my room and changed into pjs. I put a black shirt that said "sleep is for winners" then checkered pj pants. "Dinner!" Mom said in the intercom. I walked out with my head down and sat down. "New style Annie?" Dad laughed. I laughed even tho it hurt to move every bone in my body. "Can we eat? IM STARVING!" Daxton yelled. "Let's just say prayers." Mom said. "Annie?" Mom said. "Can uh, Avia say prayer tonight?" I asked with my hair covering half my face cause it was gross. "Uh, sure." Mom said. Then Avia said prayer. My phone started blowing up.
"Hey I'm horny send me sum photos"
"Fianlly some horny girls."
"Come on send me a photo"
"I saw it on insta you send news I'll pay"
It was from s bunch of different numbers. "Annie no phones at the table. You know that." Dad said. Mom and dad made me delete Instagram and snapchat off my phone and they blocked it so if I download it they will get notifications. "Annie!" Dad said firmly. I moved my hair out of my fave and everyone gasped. I shot up out of my chair and the chair fell back. I ran into mom and dads room and grabbed dads phone. Mom and dad were yelling at me to come back. I typed in dads passcode. I logged on to his Instagram. I was shaking so hard. I was crying to the point where it hurt. I went to tagged photos and I saw it. The photoshopped photo of me. He was tagged in at least 700 times. I chucked dads phone on the ground. I punched the wall my hand sent straight through our family photo. "Annie! What in gods name is going on!" Dad yelled. I pointed to dads phone. "D-dad People photoshopped me into a nude." I cried. I fell on the floor and started crying. Mom and dad looked at eachother. "You don't have to go to school tomorrow." Dad said rubbing my back. I looked up. "No, I have to, you Gus taught me to not run away. And I'm going." I smiled. "I'm so proud of you baby." Mom said. "Tomorrow is your last day. I'm proud of you." Dad said.
* next day.*
I looked so good. (Outfit at top) I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked at my black eye and my bruises on my face."You can do this." I smiled. I walked out and hugged my mom and dad. We all got in the car and drove to school. Everyone got out and I stayed. "Annie, be strong. Go to the office if you can take it." Mom said. "I can do it." I smiled. I got out and people started laughing at me but I ignored them. "Hey! Heaven!" I yelled. Avia and emmi stood behind me "what you want slut?" She laughed. "First off I'm not a slut. I don't know what goes on at home, but I know it's not supportive like mine. You think your hurting me, but really yours hurting yourself. Telling someone to die is not good. I have been to 4 different schools because of bullying. Attacking someone online is easier than face to face. But I know what you all you say about me is fake so I don't care. You can pick on me all you want just know that I'm stronger than you and better. I'm going to go far in life unlike you." I said. People gathered around us, "what ever." She said embarrassed. She then turned around and ran away. I couldn't believe it. I let out a laughed then a smile. I had the best day.
*at home*
At dinner. "ANNIE STOOD UP TO HER BULLIES! IT WAS SO COOL SHE WAS LIKE ITS NOT COOL AND THEN HEAVEN WAS LIKE UGH WHAT EVES" emmi yelled. I started blushing. "I did. It was a good day, I feel like I can take on the world." I smiled. "We have to tell the viewers about Australia, we leave in on Monday. How are we going to this?" Dad said. "We should all be in front of the camera and act all Australian. We have vegemite so we could eat that, and then be like your probably wondering why we are acting like this. Then tell them." Avia said. "Or we just sit down in front of the camera and tell them?" I said.
"Sounds like a plan!" Mom smiled. "
At home. I looked at my empty closet and few toilet trees left in my bathroom. My makeup bag and tooth brush and my soaps. Where left out. "I can't believe we are going to be gone for 5 or 6 months." I said starting to get sad. I walked out and dad had the camera set up. "Kids come on!" Dad said. We all ran to the camera. Mom and dad sat on the couch with Daxton and Brock in the middle of them and Me and Avia and emmi on the floor. "Hello guys, you have probably been wondering why there havent been any vlogs lately. The reason for that is Avia is in a big movie. She had the leading roll. We can't say anything about it. So the vlogs will be alittle short for 5 or 6 months. And your probably wondering when we do vlog there is suitcases around and boxes." Dad said, "one...two..three.." Mom said.
"WERE MOVING!!" We all yelled "for 5 or 6 months.. To Australia!" Mom Said. "That's all! We love you so much, see you well... In Australia!" Dad said. We all waves and dad got up and turned off the camera.
* Sunday night*
"I-i can't believe I'm going to live in Australia. I have never even been out of the country, and when I am in moving there!" I said excited. "Well believe it sister." Dad laughed. "MAKE SURE YOU HAVE EVERYTHING AND CLOTHES PICKED OUT TOMORROW! WE WAKE UP AT 4:10 AM SHARP! FLIGHT IS AT 6:40 AND ITS A LONG ON TO! DONT WORRY WE HAVE FIRST CLASS!" Dad yelled. "NOW GO TO SLEEP!" Mom yelled jokingly. We all kissed goodnight.
"YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH!" My birthmom yelled. She pushed me into a wall. "My boyfriend is here! Stop being such a brat! I'm going to sleep!" My mom slurred. I broke down crying and ran into my room. Then my moms boyfriend comes in. "Shh." He slurred. He sat on my bed and grabbed me and put his lips on mine. He then took off my shirt. I cried. "St-stop." I cried. He punched me. "Pleasure me." He smirked. "N-no!" I yelled. He then pulled out duck tape and duck taped my mouth.
He put two fingers into me. I tried to yelled but nothing came out. "What the hell is going on?!" My mom yelled. "You raping my daughter! I KNOW I DONT CARE TO MUCH FOR HER BUT I STILL KINDA LOVE HER!" She yelled. Her boyfriend punched me then started beating my mom. Hearing her cry. He pulled out a knife. He stabbed her
*dream over*
"AHHHHHHH!" I yelled as loud as I possibly could. I started shaking uncontrollably and crying. I was sweating. "MOM!" I heard being yelled. "Annie!" I heard someone say. Mom came in my room and pulled me into a hug. I just started sobbing. She rubbed my back. "Nightmare?" She said. I nodded. "Tell me. You'll feel better."
"W-I-it was w-hen I lived with my m-mom and my dad was jailed. Her- *sob* boyfriend f-fin-fingered me. Then duck taped my mouth shut. And my mom came in and he started beating-her and the STABBED her!" I sobbed saying stabbed. "It's okay, it was all a dream." Mom said rocking me. "No, no it wasn't. It actually happened. The-the night before I was taken awa-away." I cried. "Baby girl. I'm so sorry." Mom said rocking me. Mom sat with me for a full hour until I calmed down. "1:23 am"
"I'm better now. Thank you mom." I smiled. She wiped my tears then kissed my forehead.
I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. I just wanted to see Alice. I never actually told her. I put my shoes on, and opened my window. "2:45 am" I ran to her house and went to her backyard and opened her window. And went in. "Not creepy at all." I giggled in my head. I tapped her shoulder. "Aliiice." I whispered. She moaned. "Alice!" I said a little louder. "Go away mom." She said turning around. I jumped on her. She jumped up. "Annie?! What the hell are you doing here!?" She whispered angrily. "I'm moving. Tomorrow." I said. "Haha very funny." She mocked. "No I'm serious. To Australia. Did you see our latest video?" I said with tears forming. She grabbed her phone.
"New shaytards video. Posted 8 hours ago."
"Annie! Why would you wait! We had to spend the whole day together!" She said about to cry. "We-we can't. I'm leaving at 4:10 AM." I cried. She began sobbing and we stayed crying and hugging. "3:45" "aw I gotta go." I said wiping my tears. "Wait one last photo shoot?" She said. "Totally." She put her phone on take pictures ever 10 second. She picked me up bridal style *click* then we hugged *click* I got in her back *click* then I kissed her cheek *click* then one serious hug. Her head and my head against one another's. *click* "I have to go now. I still have a 20 minute run home." I opened her window and then closed it. I saw her starting to cry. I ran home. And it was 4:05" I got in my bed. Then set my phone alarm. I closed my eyes 5 minutes. *BEEP BEEP BEEP*

"Ew." I said. I got up and got dressed. I put a black long sleeved shirt that said "ur too close" and black leggings. Then white yeezys. I did my make up. I did wings for eyeliner and red lipstick. I looked one last time at my room then closed the door. I put my laptop and charger and phone and phone charger and pads and tampons and earbuds in my backpack and my wallet. "Smells good!" I smiled. I hugged Daxton and Brock. I kissed there cheeks. "I love you guys so much." I said. "We love you to." Daxton said. Mom served pancakes as dad yelled for emmi and Avia to hurry up. "We leave in 10!" Dad yelled. Avia and emmi ate. Mom cleaned up and then we put everything in the car we went to Casey and Kaylis they are driving us. We switched all the luggage into their car. Then we drove to the airport
(Blah blah blah they said goodbyes and they are now boarding)
"I can't believe it." I said. We all touched the outside of the plane. And got to our seats I was next to Avia we had an open seat between us. Then it was mom and dad behind us they had an empty seat then Brock, Daxton and Emmi all sat next to eachother. "Prepare for take off." The flight guy said. "We shall arrive around 10:40"

"Australia here I come." I smiled.

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