A Month To Live (20)

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'Okay I'll take my car because I'm actually going home tonight,' Kyle told us as we all waited by the door for Remi to make her grand entrance. She'd gone upstairs to pack a bag and hadn't yet returned.

'That's fine, I guess,' Bradley replied in a slightly disinterested tone.

I was too far away to elbow him so I instead shot him a glare. He could at least try and be nice to Kyle! Kyle did seem to find Bradley's behaviour towards him amusing, however, and I could see him smirking from the corner of my eye.

There were a few seconds of awkward silence and I resisted the urge to make up an excuse to leave.

'How many clothes does she need?' I grumbled, pulling my phone from my jeans pocket.

Or rather Remi's jeans pocket. I'd borrowed another outfit from her as I still hadn't bothered returning to my apartment.

'Okay I'm ready,' I heard Remi's voice called. It was followed by a slam and when I glanced up I spotted a misshapen bag at the bottom of the stairs.

'You're only staying for a night,' I reminded her.

She shrugged as she hopped down the stairs. When she reached the bottom, she hiked the bag onto her shoulder.

'Always best to be prepared!' she said.

'Remind me to never invite you over,' I said. 'I'm starving - let's get the hell out of here.'

I swung open the front door and made my way down the path. The front door closed behind us and I heard the jingling of keys as someone locked the door. I noticed that their dad's car was no longer in the drive. I hadn't seen him all day actually.

Bradley unlocked the car and I hopped in the passenger side, waving to Kyle and Remi who were going to meet us there.

'Where are we going again?' I asked, clipping in my seatbelt as Bradley started the car.

'Jimbo's Pizza,' he informed me, swiftly reversing down the driveway as soon as Kyle moved his own car out of the way. 'It's probably the best pizza you will ever consume so, remember this day well,' he added, taking off after Kyle.

'And we're going here to celebrate the football game success?' I asked.

He nodded.

'Even though everyone celebrated via drunken house party last night?'

He nodded again. 'I guess you can call it the "sensible" way of celebrating tonight,' he said.

'And since were any of you guys sensible?' I snorted.

'That's a question best left unanswered,' he winked in response

Only a few short minutes later, Bradley pulled into the parking lot of a fairly average-looking pizza joint and I raised my eyebrow at him.

'Don't pull that face until you've tried it,' he said, correctly reading the expression on my face and making me grin.

'Ciao bella,' I greeted Remi and Kyle as they crossed the parking lot towards us. I looked up to the huge neon sign which said 'Jimbo's' in red lettering. 'And who is Jimbo?'

'Oh lord,' Remi gushed, clutching at my arm. 'He's this really hot Italian guy-' she broke off suddenly as she noticed Kyle's scowl.

'Oh really?' I asked with a wicked smile.

'All the girls love him,' Bradley said grudgingly.

'Someone's jealous,' I teased, withholding a laugh.

'I need some attention sometimes,' he replied with a cocky smirk.

'You're so sad,' I replied, shaking my head and shoving the doors open to see this Italian heart throb.

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