12 / Different

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compliment generously, your kind words go a long way for someone.

dedicated to rebellious-heart 🌸

12 / Different

Harper / POV

"Good morning." Clark smiles as he sees me walking down the stairs, I smiled in return. "Morning, Clark."

He was making coffee while Max was whipping up something for breakfast. "Smells good, french toast?" I asked and he gives me a grin.

"You sure know your food." He laughs. I look around. "Where's Elliot?"

Max shrugs, "Do I look like his mother?" I shrug, "Nah, but the both of you seem inseparable."

Clark takes a sip of his coffee and I mumble under my breath, "Melliot." and Clark quickly puts his mug down and laughs.

"What the fuck?" Max looks at me in disgust and I laugh. "MELLIOT. Your ship name sounds like an omelette." I slapped my knee and Clark shakes his head as he scrolls through his phone.

"Well I sink it. Deeper than the titanic." He shivers. "Just sit down and eat your french toast." he says and I bit back a laugh.

I pull the chair out, but before I could sit down, I felt a warm pair of lips on my cheek.

"Morning princess." Alexander winks as he walks past me and grabbing a mug of coffee that Clark prepared.

"Look at her, she's blushing." Max points, leaning on the kitchen counter as he takes a mug of his own. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Rude." I joked and sat down.

Dmitry / POV

"Napoleon." I call out to my executive secretary, he nods "Sir?"

"I want every one of our airlines, shipping lines, and oil rigs up and running." I instruct him and he looks at me in surprise and I gave him a proud smile.

"My heart still mourns for the loss of my daughter..and because of that I've lead my career into dormancy." I sighed but shook my head. "But now that I found my granddaughter, Natalia, I now have a reason to live."

"Prepare everything. I want all to be in place and perfect when I finally introduce Natalia to who she really is." I look at the small picture frame on my table.

"She's been lost for too long."

Harper / POV

Everyone was already getting ready. As soon as I finished, I walked down the stairs and saw Clark sitting alone in the living room, all ready and dressed.

"Why are you always on your phone?" I ask Clark. "What app are you hooked on?" I joked as I plopped down the couch.

He smiles, "I wish I was playing, but—" He says and turns to show me his phone screen to find myself cluelessly looking at charts and numbers.

"I don't even know what these mean.. so you're on your phone for official business?" I asked and he nods. "Unfortunately."

"How can a player like you be so business-like?" I laughed and he raises his eyebrows.

"I don't treat girls like they're objects, Harper. I'm the one saving their asses from my friends." He laughs and I mouthed an 'oh'

"That aside, you'd be surprised how excellent we are at what we do. Alexander, Max, Elliot, and I. Not to brag." He says and I wondered.

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