Chapter five

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Chapter five

We arrived at the local coffee shop, Caffeine Corner, about fifteen minutes later. I followed Parker inside and after ordering we chose a table by the window with me sitting across from Parker.

          “So……” I said feeling really awkward.

          “So. I just felt the need to get to know you.” She informed me.

          “And why is that exactly?” I asked with curiosity.

          “Isn’t it obvious? My brother likes you.” She stated as if this piece of information was the simplest thing in the world.

          “Sure.” I said with sarcasm evident in my voice. “Where did you get that idea? We’ve only known each other for like, two days. We hardly know each other which makes that impossible.”

          “Trust me. I know my brother and he definitely likes you.” She replied confidently.

          “How do you know this?” I asked, positive you can’t like someone in a matter of two days.

          “I have never seen him show any interest in any girls my whole life. He barely gives girls the time of day. How many times has he talked to you? Not to mention carrying you to bed and sleeping in the same room as you.” She pointed out.

          “Please! Is there something wrong with being nice to someone?” I asked.

          “Of course not. But you should have seen his face when you were bawling your eyes out. And when you first talked to Joey. You’re great with kids.” She added.

          “Oh no. I am not great with kids at all. But what about we talk about someone else. I’m positive he doesn’t have any interest in me so let’s just drop it.” I stated with finality.

          “Sure. So what’s your family like?” She asked and I froze for a second before responding calmly.

          “Well, I have an older sister that’s a lawyer. You probably know her. My family is pretty normal.” I said to her but I could sense she was a little suspicious.

          “Who’s your sister?” she asked.

          “Marya Robynns.” I replied, expecting her to go on and on about how lucky I was and blah blah blah.

          “Oh yeah. Some popular lawyer or something. I don’t really know that much about her.” She admits. I was relieved that she wasn’t like most other people.

          “What about you? Where do you live?” I asked.

          “Well, we’re definitely a great family. We live in Arizona so we didn’t travel too far. Usually Melody comes to us. But Mom and Dad are on their anniversary trip so we came here.” She told me.

          “That’s cool.” I replied.

We continued talking for about an hour more before we drove back to Melody’s house. As I walked in the door I instantly felt a pair of arms wrap around my legs. When I looked down, Joey was smiling up at me.

          “Lay! You’re back! Melody told me you’re staying here.” He said excitedly.

          “I am kid.” I told him with a smile.

          “I’m not a kid!” he grumbled with a frown.

          “Of course you’re not. My bad.” I corrected with a grin and the smile that disappeared a second ago reappeared.

I suddenly looked up and noticed Cole standing at the top of the stairs and immediately became self-conscious about myself. He couldn’t like me could he? No of course not. My thoughts were interrupted as my phone started blaring out my ringtone. I looked at the screen to see it was Connor calling.

            “Hey Connor. What’s up?” I answered.

          “Mel called me and said you were upset last night. You wanna meet somewhere and talk about it.” I mentally cringed and glared at Melody while mouthing ‘you told him?’.

          “I’m fine Connor.” I tried to convince him.

          “You don’t just burst out and cry all the time Leighton. So obviously you aren’t fine.” He pressed.

          “Connor. I’m perfectly fine now. I promise. How about we just meet up for fun? Not to talk about my problems because I’m tired of even thinking about them. Sound good?” I asked him.

          “Yeah sure. Where do you want to meet?” he replied.

          “How about the movies? I bring along Mel and her cousins. Is that okay?” I suggested.

          “Yeah that’s fine. See ya in a few.” He said before hanging up. I thought I heard disappointment in his voice but ignored it. I turned to Melody, Cole, and Parker.

          “You guys want to go see a movie?” I asked as they all nodded their heads in agreement. Suddenly Joey spoke.

          “Is Connor your boyfriend?” he asked in an innocent voice and I started to giggle.

          “Nope. Just my other best friend.” I informed him. He nodded in approval.

          “Okay let’s go.” Melody announced and we all left out the door and towards the movie theater.

I’m really sorry this is such a short chapter. I don’t like it that much cause it’s kind of bad. Hopefully not to bad. I also know the book isn’t that exciting but this is probably how it’s going to be for most of it. I didn’t want to write some drama filled story that will make you start crying your eyes out because I’m just not really that good at those. But anyways, I’ll try to make the other chapters longer and sorry if this is a horrible story. If there’s any mistakes or anything I can do to improve it please let me know. As always. Comment. Vote. Enjoy!


P.s. I’m writing a chapter of my twin sister’s ( kvheadrick  ) story Mending My Heart. So if you wanna check her story out I wrote chapter 8 of it. So yeah you should read it. I think she already posted it so it’s up. She better thank me for this because anyone will tell you we don’t get along all the time. :D

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