3: Lunch in the Garden

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I stare at the clock as it ticks down to the last minute of class. Tick tick tick. Ring! I rush out and shove my stuff in my book bag and go out into the garden. I hadn't even noticed I did until a bee flew in front of my face. I decided then to just go for it.

I walk through thousands of flowers and hedges filled with cheery bugs everywhere. I reach a dead end filled with so many beautiful flowers and a pond with lily pads. There was a small table with 2 chairs one of them holding a boy, Art Boy.

I walk over admiring the flowers and sit down next to him in the second chair. He pulls out a brown bag with wrinkles everywhere on it.

"Oh hi I see you wanted to spend more time with me and came." He said smirking.

"What no, I just don't have anyone else to sit with." I lied.

"Doubt it. I bet every guy would want to sit with you." He said.

I look at him confused. Every guy avoided me today. "What do you mean your the only guy talking to me."

"What?! No way your just so beau-nice though." He said turning bright red. Was he about to say beautiful? I asked myself. I started feeling my insides turn and flip. I didn't know what to say anymore so I took out my Pb&J sandwich and started to eat.

We ate silently until Art Boy spoke "Hey what are you doing after school?"

"Nothing really. Why?" I asked.

"Oh I was wondering if you'd like to hang out at the park?" He asked staring at the ground.

"Sure. When?" I asked.

"After school meet me here and we can then go." I said then left for his next class. I sat there and finish my Pb&J sandwich and then drank my water and left for my class as well.

The rest of the day was the same. And I had no other classes with Art Boy, but I did have class with Sari and class with a kind girl named Kira. She was to nice though because she never brought up my sunglasses when the teacher introduced me as 'blind'. Each hour got longer when I saw Art Boy less and less. I don't know what it was but I couldn't stop thinking of him no matter how many times I pushed it away. He was there drawing in my head.

AN: Please leave a like and tell me if you like this book and I will try my very best to post the next chapter as soon as possible. Hope you like the book👍🏼

This will be one of the very few AN's in this book enjoy and have a great day.

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