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4 days later ... I'm sitting at work . I'm in the break room eating some sweet potatoes and drink sprite with cherries .. weird combo. Markus walks in and sits down. I look up at him confused ..he says Jeff told me to take a break. I shake my head yeah.. I ask him. So Markus how do u like the job so far? He says it's cool . Good let me know if u need anything. I stand and take my dishes to nate ..nate is the dishwasher dude. He's like 19 yrs old and oh so adorable. . He's got the most incredible blue eyes .. I'm cooking when my phone buzzes.. it's Tammie . She knows I'm at work .. I answer hey girl , she says .hey. what's up I'm at work. .. she says yeah I know but I just saw zare with Kenna at the waffle house . They didn't see me .. but Jay don't have Kenna tonight. Just thought u should know . Oh OK. Thanks girl. I gotta go. Love ya . Jeff walks in and says do we have the sauce for the pear glaze .. I show him what we have .. his phone has buzzed 7 times !! In 1 min.. I look at him ..he says she's lost her shit . I laugh . He says she got me messed up. I smile and say yep. Mine does too. We here a big commotion !!!! I run and Jeff is right behind me .. we stop at the bar and see this woman throwing the baskets we use for bar snacks at Markus .. she's screaming at him. Wow exes are losing there dam minds !!! She screaming ur daughters need a fucking father u douche bag bitch... she picks up a glass and i snatched it out her hand .. no ma'am. I say. She looks at me like I'm beat ur ass... I ask her to step outside. She refuse so Jeff lift the woman and set her outside ..I walk out with her. I say look we have customers in there .. she says I don't give a fuck!!! He needs to stop ignoring me and our kids .. I laugh. I tell her when u figure out how to get men to stop being douche bag bead beat father's and husband please by all means let me in on the secret .. Cuz I'm married to a Cheater !!! And he don't have our daughter tonight ..he left her with his aunt again. .. she looks at me she's slowed down and is actually listening to me .. I light a cig.. and sit on the bench out front. .. she sits next to me. .. I say we'll I just started running this place not to long ago ..I'm trying to make enough to get me and my daughter away from the fuck nugget I'm married too. She says Markus use to be a good man. But he didn't take to well to being responsible. He don't like structure. He wants to be able to come and go as he pleases .. and the girls need a schedule. I shake my head yes .. I completely get it .. I take out my phone and call zare ..hey girl how are u ? She says I'm good. Playing with ur baby girl. Oh is Jay and Kenna there ..? I ask she says Kenna is Jay needed to run a few parts to work .. oh OK. Cool. Well can u keep Kenna all night. I have all surprise for Jay. I giggle. . She says yes I'll text Jay and let him know ur gonna get her in the morning ..oh OK great thanks girl. Yay.. when I hang up I look at Markus wife. Or ex wife. She says huh ? I say yeah. I can't have my daughter at home when I snap!! She says I know that's right. .. we laugh. She says my name is Mandy .. I say Melanie . I turn and stand up. She does too. I say please if u eanna hurt Markus please wait till after work. ..we laugh she says OK ... we hug .I walk back in the restaurant. .I apologize to my customers and say free round on me .. they all smile ..Markus looks so confused. .. I walk to the kitchen and finish the items I had going. ..when they are done .. I look at the clock it's 9:29pm .. I look at Jeff ..can I leave early I really need to pick up Kenna. Jay is Mia ... he says absolutely. I pick up my things and leave.. when I drive by zare house it's dark. No one is there.. I drive by my house Jays truck isn't there .. I drive to his office . I see the truck and a nice fancy car.. they are parked side by side. . And the office lights are really on .. hmmm well I guess I can use this key Rick gave me a while ago .. as i get out my car.. I see the front door open .. Jay held the door open as Shana walked out in front of him. I step back against the steps they can't see me ..

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