the woman

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Kira's pov

A little over 2 months ago me and my sister fell into sacred well at our family shrine, and know we go around slaying demons in fedural Japan with 5 other people. Inuyasha, Sango, shippo, kirara, and miroku.

Getting up this morning in the fedural era my first thought was a long ugh. The sun was out and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. It's not that I hate the sun or it's warmth it's just, as kagome puts it, I'm allergic to it. My eyes and almost pale skin burns when I'm outside to long.

I pulled kagomes backpack over to were I was sitting, and dug through it looking for my sunscreen and sunglasses.

"what's she doing" I heard Inuyasha whispers to kagome

"I'm looking for my sunscreen and sunglasses" I said flatly not looking up from the bag

"what is sunscreen" miroku asked

"and sunglasses" Sango added

"these" I said pulling them out of my bag. Opening the bottle and squeezing some into my hand I applied to my face and arms. I didn't wear my school clothes like kagome so I had no need to put any on my legs. My pants would cover them just fine. I put my sunglasses on my face then stood up. When we run into a demon I'll put them on my head, but until then their staying on my face. I walked over to the conor with all the weapons. Grabbing my sword I strapped it to my left side, put my thigh dagger on the right, through my arrows on my back, tucked my throughing knife into my left boot, put my other knife on left upper arm, and grabbed my bow.
Looking to the others that were already to good I nodded, and we walked out side it continue out journey for naraku. As we were leaving the village I heard miroku stop to say farewell to one of the village girls.

"come on you lurcheris monk or we'll leave you behind" I called out. My abilities that I kept secret let me know that miroku wasn't really as bad as people thought. All those time he asked a girl to bear his children was never once turly ment, except when he said is to Sango. He was just a flirt. I knew a few plenty of thing about everyone, but did ever say anything in fear that they would find out I'm different in some way and abandon me.

Walking through the woods a woman's voice rang out. " I've about a half demon and his group of puppies going around slaying demons, but I'm one demon you can't slay"

Looking to the voice I stepped in front shooting "we'll see about that now won't we"

The woman's eyes widened slightly when she looked to me. I heard her thoughts ring into my head 'is she... No she can't be I left her with a different family in a different time' what is she thinking about.

"How are you to challenge us anyway" I asked

"I am Tammy of the obis family" she snapped

"well your about it met obis of existence" Inuyasha cocked pulling out his sword.

Inuyasha rushed at the woman and pushed up my sunglasses. The woman dogged Inuyasha's attack by jumping up the air. Pulling out 2 of arrows I aimed in to the air just above were she was at. When Inuyasha attacked again I fired my arrows. Tammy tried to dodge them, but got struck in the left arm by both arrows.

'who is this rechad girl. I must know' her thoughts rang out

"I have a feeling we'll be seeing her again" I stated while staring at the spot she was last in. I pushed my sunglasses back down and started walking with the group.

"if your feeling it, it must be true" Sango


We had been walk must of the day and I still couldn't shake everything Tammy of the obis family had thought. My mind begin to wonder off until I heard Inuyasha think 'oh great I can smell the scent of my brother' I wasn't really excited to meet him. Every time until now Inuyasha and everybody ran into him when I was at home for what ever reason it was. Kagome and Sango has toll me plenty about him, but non of it was good.

We walked a few more feet then sesshomaru and jaken appeared from the split of another path. Since I was in the front on the right I was first to see him. I stopped looking up at him compering the real him to the image kagome and Sango had given me. The real him looked far better. When I looked at his eyes I noticed him staring at me. If I was a blushing person I would be so red right now. I expected to hear his thoughts, but I didn't.

"so sesshomaru are u just going to look at her of do you want a fight" Inuyasha said put his hand on his sword.

Sesshomaru said nothing and had no emotion. He looked away from me and to his brother; then kept walking. I watched him go then turned to kagome, "his not much of a talker is he"


"I smell blood and lots of it" Inuyasha stated then ran off. We I'll followed him, and when we got to the village I pushed up my sunglasses.

The village was covered in blood and smashed homes. I heard a girl screaming making my anger raise as I ran to the voice. I knew that my eyes had went red form my anger. A big purple demon was holding girl in his clawed hand moving her closer to his mouth. I grabbed an arrow and aimed for his wrist. While screaming out, "hey ugly no more humans for you!," I let the arrow go. It hit him in the wrist and he dropped the girl. I saw her get up and run before the demon turned to face me.

"who are you interrupted my meal" he rumbled in a low voice.

"your worst nightmare," Inuyasha yelled, "wind scare!"

The demon moved so quickly that he wasn't hit. Then Sango's boma ring went past straight at his head. The demon let out a laugh and hit the bone sending it back Sango. The bone hit her and she feel to the ground unconscious. Miroku ran forward uncovering his wind tunnel, but before he could us it he was slung across the village field. Me and kagome fired sacred arrows at him, but before we could do any real damage we were out of arrows. The demon picked up a big rock and through it at kagome. The rock missed her, but when it hit the wall of a cliff behind her it shattered and knocked her out. When Inuyasha ran to attack him the demon plunched his claws in to him and through him across the field like miroku. I heard Inuyashas back hit the cliff wall the he was through into. I pulled out my sword even though I knew it could do no good.

Suddenly the demon appeared in front of me. "your so beautiful. You'll make a fine human wife, if I don't eat you" he lent down swooping me up and making me drop the sword . my sunglasses feel off, and when the demon moved he stepped on them. From the way he held me I was unable to move. I did not want to die like this. I looked to wear Inuyasha lay expecting him to get up and help, but he didn't move.

"Inuyasha!!!!" I held out, but got nothing out of it. I looked back to the demon fearing my life when was sliced in half. I didn't see who did it at first. When the demons body started to fall and I was falling from the high distance I suddenly felt arms around me. Looking up a saw that sesshomaru had caught me. Putting me down on my feet he looked at my eyes for a moment then asked, "what are you? You smell like a human, but your eyes are red unlike humans"

I blinked a few time at the fact that he talked and to get my eyes back to normal. With my sunglasses being broke I was glad that by know the sun was setting.

"I'm human" I flatly said then ran off to help me friend. The half of the village that wasn't gone gave me a hurt to stay in with my friends while they healed. With help from one of their men we got my friends to the hut and took care of the demon body.

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