24. Dad

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John was on his way to the school parking, walking slowly, thinking. His stomach already twisting at the thoughts of not seeing Sherlock for 3 days. He's going to miss his boyfriend. His black sheep. His Sherlock. But he's also happy he'd see his mother back after two weeks. Since John's dad's alcohol addiction, everything changed between John and his mother. They were close before, but now, they share everything. John really wanted to tell her about Sherlock. How happy he was with him. Asking advice about whatever. But sadly, he's scared if she tells it to his dad. Maybe he will tell it this weekend, he knew she will accept it. But. He will beg her not to say a word to his father.

Then, John thoughts changed to his love, Sherlock. What did just happen? John felt like it almost happened. Even, obviously they couldn't continue with a waiting mother outside. Even she wasn't waiting. Sherlock would stop anyways. It's the third time he did so. He always withdraws. Last two times his face was full with lust and then suddenly he froze, pulling away. Coming with an excuse. John didn't mind to do it already. But he didn't mind waiting either. Maybe Sherlock felt anxiously with the situation. Maybe he's a virgin?

John thoughts got broken as he walked outside and saw his mom waving at him. She smiled lovely at him and John returned the smile. When John stepped closer, a few paces away, she opened her arms, ready for a tight hug. John didn't care the slightest. Hugging his mother when he was rounded with other students. He loves his mother. How older he got. How more appreciation he had for her. He accepted the embrace with pleasure. When he was younger and she hugged him in public. He always felt ashamed, saying words like. "Mom people are watching. Mooooom."

They were standing in each other's arms. His mother pecked his head. Releasing him, she smiled.

"Let's go home, honey." She said on a typical mother tone.

"Yeh." John replied as they walked towards the car. They both climbed inside and when she started to thrust the car forwards, John started to speak again.

"How's dad?" He asked cautiously.

"He's fine, I guess." She shrugged.

"He's clean now?" John asked quietly.

"He is..." She paused. "He's clean for 4 days now." She informed him. John gave her a crooked smile and turned his head, glancing outside. He cleared his throat.

"Good." He said. She turned briefly, glancing at her son. Not wanting to cause an accident. She smiled.

"So how is your new roommate?" She asked curiously. John froze. His skin turning pale. How does she knows? He's lost in his thoughts. His mom frowned slightly.

"John? Are you alright?" She asked worriedly. He shook his head.

"Yes I am." He forced a smile, of course his mother didn't find out. She probably got a call or a mail from school about John sharing a room with someone. "And he's fine." John added. She nodded and they're silent for a couple minutes. Suddenly a phone sound filled the car. John sneaked a smile at the thoughts of Sherlock sending him a text already. Well he hoped it is him. He rapidly tugged his phone out of his pocket and readed the text into his head.

I'm going home –SH

How come? –JW

Myc won't send me information about Jim through the phone. Since someone could eavesdrop on the conversation we have. So he insisted that I'd come home this weekend. And for when DI Lestrade needs my help. I must say, it's more convenient when I'm close. –SH

Oh okay. I'm glad you won't spent the weekend alone. I would feel guilty. –JW

You're amazing. –SH

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