Chapter 47

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          (Eva's POV)

I walked back into  the pack house and put on my mask. I needed to relax and try to get over the fact that I told someone I knew unknown.

God what was I thinking? Am I really that stupid to have told someone?

But what was Josh going to do? Tell Braxton? But tell him what exactly? That the same person killed our moms? or that I may know more than what I'm telling.

I saw my father and I walked towards him but he was walking towards the basement.

It was weird because none of us are allowed down there but yet here he is going down the stairs.

So I followed him.

At first I stayed way behind him so that he couldn't see me. But then I started to loose him so I picked up my pace making sure I didn't make a sound. I heard him stop moving so I did to.

I thought I was caught, I was sure that he found me following him and I was about to leave until I heard a voice.


It was a women and she whispered it.

        I heard her heels hit the floor, and I heard him sigh a breath of relief.


He sounded happy, Which was weird and then I heard something i never wanted to hear from my father.

It was the sound of the kissing. It wasn't that I was disgusted with the fact that my father still knows how to kiss considering he is getting kind of old.

But it was the fact that it was with someone other than my mother.

"Ive been waiting all day to do that."

He sounded so sweet while he spoke.

She giggled and sighed.

"We can't keep doing this. We can't keep sneaking around. We aren't teenagers you know?" Again she laughed but this time he joined her.

"I know my love. But its only for a little while longer. Nathaniel is about to introduce his mate and Luna to the pack. Daniel and Alexander are doing the same. Once everything is finalized I will tell them all the truth."

I heard them move and i kind of took a step back.

"And Evangeline? How do you think she will react?"

It was quiet for a bit before he spoke.

"She won't know. She decided to leave the pack. She feels as though she is a burden on us all."

"But she isn't and you know that. She is your daughter."

Again he sighed.

"She's not a burden but she does have a lot of problems. Her mate I'm afraid, does not want her. Her powers are getting out of control, she's been acting out, and she's causing a lot of problems within the family. Its best if she leaves. Life would be much simpler."

She gasped and I heard her take what I'm guessing a step back.

"You don't mean that David. She is your daughter. No matter what she has going on for her, she will always be family."

"I'm not saying she isn't going to be family. All I'm saying is that when she does leave it'll be easier on Nathaniel to focus. His mate is pregnant. He doesn't have time for nonsense. And with her powers I'm afraid she might hurt someone."

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