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Video; this song totally fits Miraculous to me.

     It's dark out. It's already midnight, close to one in the morning in fact. That time of morning when early travelers wake up, groggily pack their bags, maybe stop at the gas station for coffee and a bagel then hit the road to wherever their car leads them.
     In other words, definitely not the time of day you want to wake up at.
"Y/n, wake up sleepyhead!" Your mother shakes you gently in bed until you are forced to open your eyes, the room still dark, the moon casting a milky glow over your mother and your bed.
     "We're going to be late if you don't get your butt out of bed." You sit up and swing your legs over the side of the bed grabbing your bags containing everything in your room except for your beige colored bed which had been there when you and your mother bought the apartment in Italy.
      You started walking out the door, thoughts of life in Paris seeping into your thoughts. What if I don't make friends? What if I become a loner like I was here? The thoughts kept getting worse until you heard the satisfying slam of the trunk closing on your truck. As you crept into the small backseat of the truck, your mother hops in and covers you with a blanket and you tilt your head against the cool glass window, staring out at the haunting apartment building. Life here had been anything but fun. You had been bullied since grade school and it finally stopped this year, but you had gotten a great case of depression which your therapist had said as, 'mentally unstable." So, what better way to get over depression than to move to Paris?
       Well, you surely don't have any friends or family that you were going to miss. For as long as you can remember it had been just you and your mom.
      New start, new story. You thought to yourself as you mom shifted the truck into gear and you headed away from this horrid place, every mile erasing each wretched memory from mind.  

He's MINE || Cat Noir/Adrien X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now