Blondy and Red

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"Come on! There's this really cool Bon Fire that this really cute guy is hosting! At the beach, as well, you have to come!" My best friend pleaded.
"Fine. But what's this guys name so I know it isn't just one of your slings, and I'll have to drive your drunk ass home."
"Okay, just making sure, don't want any other repeat of last times little, incident" I chuckled at the memory. She had a guy with her, and was too drunk to even walk straight, I had to let her stay here and she had the worst hangover.
"Get ready, we have an hour!"
"Its a party, there is no possible way to be late."
"Don't sass me!"
After getting ready I glanced into the mirror. My makeup was simple, eye liner and mascara and red lipstick.
My outfit was equally simple, high-waisted shorts, and a take top that said "I'd Buy It If It Were Black"
Running my hand through my blond hair, I admire the amount of effort I put my attire. Sarcasm
I went to the living room and began texting Sara.
Yes our names our similar, its not like we are best friends because we both have blond hair. We need something to bond over.
To: Satan Sara
Ready, I'll be at your place in 10.
My phone made a little ding, indicating that she had texted back.
Okay, what ever you say Jose.
I instantly texted back
Who's Jose.
You know what nvm. I don't even NEED to know.
I turned off my phone and walked to her house.
Its 9:00 and we had just then arrived at the beach. Tons of teenagers were sitting by the fire, talking and laughing.
Some even kissing.
Leave it to hormonal teenagers to make a girl feel lonely.
Sara and I went and sat on the sand. She was flirting with a dark haired boy while I looked at the fire blazing.
Deep into my thoughts, I had no idea a blond eyed cutie had been staring from afar.
Until I looked up and met his gaze that is.
He motioned for me to go and sit by him, and so I did.
"You look pretty lonely. What's your name cutie?" He asked as I sat down.
"Mm, you'll have to find out and you are.....?" I said, smiling a little bit.
"If you aren't gonna tell me , I'll do the same. Call me...."
"Blondy, I'll call you Blondy." I smirked.
"Real original, I'll call you Red." He said, referring to my red lip stick. I laughed.
"Whatever. Let's ditch this place. Its such a snore fest." I got up and put my hand out for him to grab it
He smiled and grabbed it. I dragged him near the ocean and motion for him to look up. The sky was full of stars.
"Gorgeous, right?" I smiled.
"Not as gorgeous as you, Red."
"Are you hitting on me, Blondy." I chuckled.
"So what if was. You are hot as hell." And with that he kissed me. I hadn't even known this boy for an hour and there we were. In a deep kiss. "Let'" He said between the kiss. I nod, moving my lips from his as we ran to the parking lot.
(A/N and then they did the nasty in his car, the end.)
**1 year later**
My band I were meeting with a record deal known as Hi Or Hey Records. I had no idea how my best friend did this, and I had no idea who we were set up with, but all I knew was that I was pumped to meet this band. Apparently their names were 5 Seconds Of Summer, and according to the people I have talked to about this band, they were either a pop rock band or a boy band. And god forbid we have another Backstreet Boys or One Direction. Not that I don't adore both bands, its just the world needs a break from anymore 'jump around on stage and pump your index finger in the air while singing about the female population and their beauty, even though you will never end up with a fan and half of the fans are 14 year olds still in the process of puberty and think that they are emo for listening to any kind of band' bands.
Back to the topic: We were waiting at a coffee shop, waiting to meet the band. My leg was bouncing up and down, and I was drumming my index finger on the table. I checked my watch, "When are they getting here? Its been forever!" I groaned.
"We've been here for 10 minutes, Tara. Chill, Damn." Our drummer, Ivy, laughed.
As if on cue, a group of boys walked towards us. "Hi, you guys must be Chasing The Stars. We are pleased to meet you. I'm Ashton," a boy with light, brownish blondish hair said. "That's, Calum," he said, pointing to the boy with dark hair, "thats Michael," He motioned to the boy with blue hair. "And that tall giraffe boy, that would be Luke" he giggled. I gasp a little.
"Blondy." I smirk.
A look of surprise had spread along his beautiful face.
"Red." He breathed.
Everyone looked confused. "You guys know each other?" Sara asked.
"Yeah." I said, with a smug look still on my face.
"You have no idea." Luke finished.

Awww yeaahhhh
So this is chapter 1, and yeah.
So I have a lot of plans for this fan fiction. Who knows how it will end though.
QOTD: what's your favorite song in general.
AOTD: I have tons but run its The Judge by tøp (|-/), Castaway by 5sos (HOLD YO EARS CHILDREN, MAMAS ABOUT TO SCREECH) and Lov Song by Cavetown.
QOTD2: what's the best book/ fan fiction that you have read recently?
AOTD2: Bad Girls which is a book on here, check it out, it fucked me up. And Thin Walls which is a Calum Hood fan fiction that I need to finish. That's some gOoOd sHit right there bOi.
Forgive me padre for I have sinned
Stay cool my geeks.
XXX Natalia

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