The wedding "disaster"?!?

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Y/n's POV

Once we finished eating we went outside to play tag. I suddenly remember about her been the flower girl. "Hey winter do you want to be a flower girl for our wedding " you said smiling."I would love too!" Winter screamed and jumps. I giggled and laurence laughs. It's perfect we have winter as our adopted kid I never thought of me and laurance as parents.

A few hours later

When I was cooking I suddenly feel sick I sit down for a sec and then get up. I then hear the door open it was laurance. I then get up and started walking towards him but fall of pain. "Y/n are you ok" said laurance worried."I'm ok just a minor stomach ach" you say."Are you sure you just fell" he said."I Need to rest" you said."ok let me help you" said laurance hold out his hand. I grabbed Laurances hand and he takes me to the room. I woke up later in the day. Put then I ran to restroom and threw up. "Y/n are you ok" he said."im fine" you said. I few minutes past and I got out. "We need to take you to a doctor A.S.A.P" said laurance."ok tomorrow morning I'm tired" you said.

Next morning

I got ready to go see kiki. Once we got there she laid me down on the bed and do all thoses doctors stuff.

Laurance POV

Kiki came back with the results. "Well congrats you have a kid" said kiki excited."WHAT" I said."your not happy?"asked kiki."I am but never winter has a sister" I said excited. "You already had a kid?!?"asked kiki."winter was in the woods we found her she wanted us to be her parents we accepted not because she told us because we wanted to make her happy and we got attached to her too" I said."oh that's nice" said kiki."so the wedding when will it take place " asked kiki."she said in spring which is in a few days" I said."gah we didn't start decorating!"I panicked."it's ok I got it so lady Irene statue right?"kiki asked."yes thank you kiki" I said."no problem" said kiki.

Y/n's POV

I got up and then went down. "So what's wrong with me" you asked."y/n we are going to have a kid" said laurance smiling."really" you said."yes really " said laurance. I ran to laurance and hugged him. "We actually have a kid with our blood" you said."and winter has a sister" Laurance said."that's great she's going to love her sister" you said.

A week later the wedding day
( I was lazy to write it so everything is planned and ready too)

A week later the wedding day ( I was lazy to write it so everything is planned and ready too)

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A/n~ your dress

I put my dress cadenza made me. It was beautiful. Well I have to go now it's about to start.

The wedding (😭 she grew up so fast)

I was walking down the carpet. I saw laurance in his tuxedo infront of the lady Irene statue. My maid of honor is aphmau I forgive her shes still a nice person. And laurance man of honor is garroth he forgave him aswell. "Were gather here today to celebrate the love of y/n and laurence" said the priest."do you laurance take y/n to be your lovely wife" said the priest."I do" said laurance."and do you y/n take laurance as your handsome husband" said the priest."I do" you say."you may kiss the bride " said the priest. Me and laurance kiss we hear everyone clapping. Until I hear something like an explosion. Oh no zane my deal me I'm going to die or marry zane. Me and laurance stop kissing. I lift up my dress like a princess would do to walk faster. I then see zane with O'khasis gaurds. "Y/n Where you going" said laurance." deal it's
over " you said."y/n we need to take you somewhere safe you can't fight your pregnant" said laurance."I'm know but it's my fight laurance anyways " I said. I run home and grabbed my sword. I ran up zane and swung my sword but he blocked it. "Ah y/n didnt expect you here you also got ready for our wedding I see" said zane."I would never marry you!"you shout."oh that's not what you told me years ago, you said you loved me but I never told you anything is that right" said zane."that's was long ago when I didn't think you were bad" you said."well I loved you aswell but you know I don't have time for love until now" said zane."y - you loved me?!?" You said."I do y/n do you still love me" said zane. When zane said he loved me I suddenly blushed I can't believe I still have feelings for this cute I mean evil person. Ugh I do have feelings for him hes the one who took me in when my family left Me.
"So do you love me?" Asked zane."Zane I don't know " you said and looked down."I understand but I love you y/n" zane said. I put down my sword. I see laurance im pretty sure he saw the whole thing. "You do love me still" said zane happy."Zane I'm married" you said."someone took you from me!" Zane said mad." So y/n you love zane after all this after all we had" said laurance crying."Laurance I can-" you were cut off."y/n I thought you loved me what about our child!"Yelled laurance."Haha laurance your pathetic you think she would fall for someone like you" said zane."it did fall for him " you said. Zane grabbed my hands and pulled me closer and kissed me I blushed I then pushed him away. "Zane your dead" Yelled laurance. Zane then grabbed my hand and ran he pulled me with him I couldn't let go. I loved laurance than him but zane kissed me it was a magical moment NO I can't laurance was better than him.

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