Chapter 87

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The thing in front of me barking brought me out of my surprised state.

" What..." I tried to speak but couldn't think of what to say.

The dog got lowered and revealed my beast.

He had a small smile filled with amusement on his lips as mine immediately brightened .I definitely wasn't expecting him at all, but here he was the person I needed.

He set the dog down and it ran into the apartment.

I glanced briefly at the cute little white dog running around sniffing everywhere when I felt his arm around my waist and as I turned Brock's lips smashed into mine.

He moved me into the apartment and I heard the door closing. I loved the feeling of his beard pricking against my skin which caused goosebumps to erupt all over.

His hands travelled down to the back of my thighs and he gripped them and I realized we were now at the back of my couch and he lifted me onto it.

He pulled me tightly against him as he stood between my legs. I tugged on his jacket as I part my lips and he pushed his tongue in as he explored my mouth and groaned loudly.

I broke the kiss and bit his lip slowly and sucked on it as well and I could taste the chocolate I had left on his lips. I kissed into his neck along his beard and his fingers tightened on my thighs as he held his breath. I smiled against his skin and..

I heard the dog barking and realized it was jumping onto Brock's leg wanting to get our attention.

I leaned back and Brock's blue eyes met mine filled with lust and... that indescribable look.

He broke the stare as he lift the dog up and made it look even smaller in his hand.

"Looks like someone wants to meet you.." his voice came out husky.

"You got a dog?" I pet its head as Brock shook his head.

"I got you a dog... happy birthday baby" he whispered and kissed my lips briefly and walked away with the dog.

He picked up the blanket from the couch and threw it down near the heater and sat down with the dog.

"Are you okay baby?" He chuckled and I wasn't .

I was overwhelmed.

"Come on.. "

I walked over and sat down and he pulled me so that I sat between his legs with my back to his chest.

"How did you know?" I asked as I played with the dog who was now lying in my lap.

"Know what?" His voice filled my ear as I felt his hot breath on my cheek.

"About my birthday?"

"Paul told me.. last week .." he kissed my shoulder and then rested his chin on it.

Paul knew everything about everyone.

"I thought he was messing with me then, but I got a voicemail from Paige earlier tonight.. I mean morning it was morning here I'm assuming.. anyway and then I took my jet."

"If it weren't my birthday would you still be here.." He sighed but I needed to know as he hadn't reached out to me at all before and now he was here.

"Yes I was going to fly in the morning my time.. because of that little guy... and well luckily I got in today"

"How did you know I wanted a dog?"

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora