Chapter 35

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Joe's POV:
*fast forward to when the twins are 4*

Today, Mia and I are taking Sylvia and Max to their first full day at proper primary school. They've been to pre school but that was only 9 until 12 but this is 9:00 - 3:00. It's a big step for them, we know that Sylvia will like it because she loved pre school and was always happy to be there and make new friends, she's quite a confident, but polite, child.

Max however, has been crying all morning and it's going to be hard, to say the least, to let him go. He's developed to be a very shy child.

Mia walks in through the school gates in front of me holding Max's hand. Sylvia is running next to me and blabbing about how happy she is to be going to "proper school for bigger children", she's so cute.

We take them down to the reception class, that's the earliest class there is. This is the primary school Mia, Zoë and I went to when we were younger. Although it's been refurbished, it's still strange to be back with Mia, with our own kids, very weird.

We speak to the other parents of kids, some we know from pre school kids, and some are new. We then speak to the teacher, Mrs. Woods, who seams lovely and we reassure Max that he'll be fine. When he stops crying he sits next to another boy from pre school and a girl named Maya.

Eventually, after giving Max and Sylvia last hugs, we head home.

I'm sat in the living room with Mia, discussing things. We both still do YouTube as a job and still love it, sometimes Mia wonders whether we're 'ruining the childrens lives' by bringing them up on camera.

"I just think that maybe when they're older they will wish we hadn't been well known because obviously, it's going to affect their lives and make them known by our million of subscribers too as they get older, and maybe don't want to be on camera anymore." Mia says, frowning, deep in thought.

I consider what she's said, "I can see where you're coming from. It's our job though it's not like we can just pretend we don't have kids because even we didn't show them in videos, we'd be out in public with them, where we get recognised a lot.." I reply

"I know, I know. I'm just not 100 percent happy with it. I just want to give them the best upbringing possible you know? But that's so hard. It's a lot harder than it looks, being a parent. It's like, you just want what's best for them and especially with my panic attacks, it's hard. I don't want them to ever see mummy having this horrible thing called a panic attack. Also, having panic disorder prevents me from letting them do things in a way because I get anxious about it and it triggers panic attacks. I know this is thinking ahead, but what about when they're teenagers? What about when they go out alone to things and want to start being independent? Of course I'd never hold them back because doing these things is good for them but I also don't want to put them in dangerous situations...." She trails off, looking stressed.

I wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to me and kissing her forehead.

"Look, I understand Mia. I really do. It's difficult but we will get through it, as long as they're happy, we're happy right? Being parents was never going to be easy, but it's the fact that you have your very own, lovely kids that makes it worth it. I understand that obviously, your past has left you with a lot of scars, mentally, and you'll never get over that and all you want is for your kids to have a happy and safe upbringing without the insecurities and mental problems that you had. But, your parents were great because they simply supported you all the way when they found out what was going on, they couldn't prevent you from getting panic attacks and anorexia and going through all that, but when they knew they helped you a lot and gave you love and tried to give you happiness and that's all that matters. As long as we love them, there's nothing better we could do.." I reply.

Can This Be Our Happy Ending? - A Joe Sugg Fan Fiction SequelWhere stories live. Discover now