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The day went by extremely slow and I had nothing to do beside clean up the house for the party that would be accruing in about 3 and a half hours.

"Are you ready for this party?" Darrin asked walking towards me with the widest smile I ever seen on his face.

"Eh no," I shrugged my shoulders. In all actuality I wasn't ready to see Chris. I went over there to get an apology and next thing I knew it I was inviting him over later tonight to have sex? How could I possibly be so weak minded around him to forget, within seconds, the main reason why I went over there.

"Why not?" He mushed his eyebrows together.

"Because who the hell cleaning all that mess Sunday morning?" I rolled my eyes to the ceiling and shifted to one side to sit on my hands. I was not going to tell Darrin the real reason why. I just couldn't.

"Me, you, and my crew. Duh Zari," He shook his head and went into the kitchen to get him a bottle of water.

"Anyway, how you got the liquor?" I looked all around the living and nothing but liquor covered our hardwood floor.

"I got people that knows people," He came back and sat next to me.

We sat there in silence for a while before one of Darrin friend came into the living laughing.

He was kind of cute to be honest, he had the prettiest skin, perfect white teeth, maybe 6'0 ft even, not to skinny but just the right size fitting his body, his K9's were permanently gold, and he was just, ugh, words couldn't even explain how beautiful he was. To be honest he looks exactly like the boy from my 'dream' what was his name? but to bad he's a fuck boy and don't know how to keep his dick in his pants.

"What's so funny Cairo?" Darrin asked.

"Man, you should have seen it, D.J. was spazzing out on ole girl for calling his phone with some dumb shit," He said toning down his laugh.

"Who, that crazy bitch Jessica?" Darrin asked while licking his lips.

"Hell yeah, that crazy bitch. Trying accuse that man that he's the father of her baby," Cairo cracked up again while sitting up in his chair.

"You two are some bitches," I butted in.

Cairo stopped laughing and stared at me while Darrin did the same.

"How you mean you two are some bitches?" They boy asked in unison.

"Y'all see why y'all are single. You don't call a girl a bitch, no matter how crazy or obsessed she is," I folded my arms across my chest sitting back.

"Man shut up," Cairo rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair.

"Excuse you?" I arched my brow. "I don't know who you think you're talking to but you damn sure was not telling me to shut up. You don't call a female a bitch that's disrespectful, then you called her a bitch behind her back? That's some fufu type shit bitch boy." I rolled my eyes.

"Man, Zari are you done talking?" He looked at his phone, then licked his lips looking at me. We stared at each other for the longest before a smirk formed on his face.

"You must like fucking with me huh?" Cairo asked licking his lips slowly.


"Aye nigga watch how you're looking at my little sister bitch boy." Darrin interrupted me.

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