Spy X Hurt!Reader

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For Thunder_Cat. Once more, never really wrote with Spy before. Hope this ends out well. Toodles~

You and Spy were watching the stars from the rooftop of the base. It was a cold night, but that didn't stop the both of you from star gazing. You were lucky that you had company or it would've been dull.

"(Y/N), look." he pointed to the dark but speckled sky with a gloved finger, "quick, make a wish." A shooting star whizzed by, taking your breath with a gasp.

"I wish..." you began as you closed your eyes shut, "that I will finally find the right man who'll take care of me and be with me when I'm down."

"Zhat was a beautiful wish, ma cherie," he said as he chuckled, "but not as beautiful as 'ou."

"Spy, you're such a tease. Remind me again how many women have fallen on your feet?"

"Um...I lost count (Y/N)," he stated with a hint of mischief lingering in his already hypnotic voice. He tapped his stubbled chin thoughtfully and shrugged his shoulders in mock defeat: "Oh. well, let's just say a 'undred, give or take."

You playfully slapped his shoulder, "I don't know why any woman would fall for you: I mean, you're such a prude, stuck up dude-"

Suddenly, your phone rang, and you didn't even excuse yourself before answering it.

"Hello? Oh, hey Jessica. {A/N- For those who didn't read Complicated Procedures, Jessica was that new Engineer recruit)

"Hey," she replied over the line, "are you with Spy again?"


"Cool. I wish my boyfriend could at least spend some time with me...you know, if I have one."

"He's not my boyfriend," you said, rolling your eyes.

"(Y/N), why are ya missing out from such a man?"

"Well, you can keep him," you smirked, turning to Spy who was listening the entire time, "he's potty trained, went to obedience classes..."

You then heard Jessica snicker from the other line. "Cool, I might just consider it."

You hang up and turned to your right, meeting a very unamused Spy.

"Potty trained? What am I, a dog?" the Frenchman asked.

"If the shoe fits," you retorted playfully.

He only shook his head lightly this time, flashing that smug smirk of his. Taking a cigarette out, he lit the tip, placed it delicately on his lips and blew white, misty smoke onto the cold night air.

The next day, you woke up with the dream of yesterday still dancing in your head. You then realized that it was no dream, and that you were in love with the man. You decided to tell him how you felt; for if one thing being a mercenary has taught you, it is being bold and taking risks. And besides, you feel confident enough. The Frenchman had given you hints that he, too, was interested...well, according to your point of view.

Spy has been flirting with you in the littlest of ways: accidentally brushing his hand delicately on yours, looking at you when he thinks you're not noticing it, and saying horrible pick up lines that you had to admit weren't all that bad- romantic as well. He made you feel flattered...and beautiful even. What do you have to be afraid of?

"Spy?" you said as you knocked on the door of his room, finding yourself at the very spot right after deciding the matter of your ordeal.

"Oui?" was his immediate response.

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