"Let me help you," - Adrinette

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"Plagg, stop it. It's not working," Adrien told his kwami, who just tried to help. He was currently hiding in the bushes, right after an akuma attack. Because of his recklessness he got thrown into a wall and judging by his luck, there was an sharp object, just waiting for him to cut himself on.

Plagg was trying to push the white shirt he wore more to the wound, but it wasn't helping. 

"Stop being so ungrateful, Adrien. I'm doing whatever I can," Plagg sighed as he couldn't do it anymore. He was exhausted because he transformed Adrien. 

"I'm sorry, Plagg," he said. "Now stop it, before you hurt yourself," he said and picked up his kwami, which was exhausted. He was lucky that it was already dark and nobody could see him. 

He took of his white shirt, so he was only in the black t-shirt and tied it around the wound. He put his tired kwami, behind his neck, so it could hide between his messy hair. 

He groaned and tried to stand up, but failed. 

"Hello? Is anyone there?" his eyes went wide, as he recogned the voice. It was his classmate's. He was trying to be quiet, but failed as he accidentaly pressed the wounded arm against the tree. He let out a yelp and Marinette soon came to see who is there. 

'She's brave,' Adrien thought to himself. 

"A-Adrien?" she stuttered. Ah, here we go again.

"Oh, hi Marinette," he tried his best to cover -now red - shirt on his arm. 

"Uh, w-what are you d-doing here?" she asked, carefully, not wanting to go too much into his privacy. 

"Just, -uh went for a walk. Needed some fresh air, huh-" he had no idea, what the hell was he supposed to say to her.

"Your arm!" in the dark she could see very well. 

"Don't worry, it's just a scratch," he tried to calm Marinette down, but it looked like he pissed her off.

"A scratch? You're bleeding like crazy! What happened?" suddenly her stuttering was gone, and worry was on its spot. She grabbed his arm so she could see better.

"I got cut," he told her the truth. She sighed. 

"We need to get you to hospital, Adrien!" he said siriously. 

"No!" she was suprised by his tone. "Please, everywhere but hospital," his tone was lowered down, so it was only heard as a wisper. 

"But,-" he looked at her, with eyes no one could resist.

"Fine, but we need to get you help," he nodded and followed her. No one of them realized they were still holding hands. It just felt so right. 

She brought him to bakery. She had no idea what was she doing, but she knew she had to help the poor boy, with him being her crush or not. 

"We need to be quiet. My parents are already asleep," she said in a wisper and he nodded. He looked at the clock. It was already 11 p.m. 

How long was he in those bushes? For hours? Akuma attack ended like before 9 p.m. 

They didn't go upstairs. She let go of his hand as she grabbed the first help kit from dowstairs. They sat dawn on the chairs that were there for costumers to sit and relax. 

"Thank you, Marinette," he said.

"Wait until we finish, then thank me," she showed no emotion, as she slowly took of his white shirt that was tied around his arm. Adrien sighed, because he knew she would freak out. 

"What were you even doing to get a wound like this?" he was so grateful she didn't stutter infront of him anymore. 

"Uh I told you. I cut myself," he repeated. 

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