Friendly Talk

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^I am a candle.

My power is still not back, so yeah...

You seem to like the name Brooks, s-o Brooks it will be.


Jeremy dropped me off in front of the hotel and rounded the building to park the car, leaving me to fend to myself

Everything seemed peaceful at least. I say to myself, slipping through the doors.

Scratch that.

When a couple of guys saw me enter the building, they both took out their phones and dialed someone in shushed tones.

When I entered the elevator and got off on the highest floor, I met with 10 people guarding Dante's door , the emergency stairs and the elevator.

"Sorry Miss Brooks, no one allowed past this point" a gruff voice said, making me look up.

"Paulo, don't be ridiculous." I barked out, looking sarcastically at him.

He seemed surprised that I remembered his name, but what can I say, I'm good with names when I want to.

"What am I going to do? Beat him to death with a bath towel?" I ask jokingly, making a move towards the door.

The man just side stepped, blocking me further, but with a small smile on his lips.

"Sorry, orders are orders."

I huffed, running a hand through my hair, switching the bangs to the other side

"OK. What are your exact orders then?" I asked,wanting to be sure of something.

He hesitated and nervously rubbed his palms on his trousers.

"Just answer a or b. Are your orders a) too keep everybody away or b) to keep me away?" I questioned,leaning forward.

His gaze flared a little at the latter, which was enough for me.

I looked back then suddenly ducked and sprinted for the door.

I got past 6 of them as they didn't expect that, but just as I was about to open the door, I was caught and lifted by my waist, carried away from my goal.

Oh come on.

I huffed, blowing my hair away from my face, crossing my arms stubbornly.

The man put me down by the elevator, calling it with the button.

I took out my phone and called Leo, who picked up after the first two rings.

"Open the damn door"

"Um.. No"

"What do you mean 'no'?" I asked a little irritated.

"Boss isn't seeing anyone at the moment."

"Don't you dare lie to me Leo. He isn't seeing me." I accused, hearing him gulp. "Give the phone to Dante."


"Give it"

I heard muffled voices and then heard the door open, making me feel relieved, but a hand came out, threw a something a dark object and it was quickly shut right back up.

As I looked at the discarded item, I recognised it as Leo's phone.

I looked incredulously at the mobile, not believing my eyes.

Dante is so fucking childish sometimes

I took my phone out again, typing furiously.

Open the door

Chased By Suits  #Wattys2016- Book IWhere stories live. Discover now