Colonist Slot 10: Elliot Greendale

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Name: Elliot Greendale

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Nation of Origin: Australia

Position: A musician.

Appearance: Elliot has dark hair that looks almost black and is straight, reaching up to the ends of his ears, his skin is tanned and he has a strange eye colour that looks quite dark but when he stands in the sun his eyes look almost blue or a slight green, sometimes even grey. He is tall, standing at 6'4 and is a little bit muscular, but is mainly just skinny. Elliot has a small amount of stubble on his chin.

Personality: Elliot is a prankster, or at least that's one word to describe his crazy personality. He is a very lively person who is not afraid to talk or say everything that he thinks, even if it's irrelevant. He is a particularly joyous person who is very friendly and loves the company of others. His friends always told him that he was very good at pulling pranks and it was one of the main aspects of his personality that people came to know him by. He also has a talent for music. Elliot is very good at playing the guitar and also a decent singer and his confidence that comes with him is one of the reasons people enjoy his music so much. Elliot is a blabber mouth and even if he really and truly wishes to keep something a secret; he can't which makes him slightly untrustworthy to his dismay, but he is a very loyal person and will never do anything on purpose to jeopardise his friendships as he values them a lot. Although Elliot has always been the happy, loyal, confident, friendly and talkative person he is, he went through a lot of family issues as a teenager that pulled him towards his love of music, it is what kept him to be the same person that he still is now.

Token: A small photo of him and his younger sister.


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