Chapter 6

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Erikah flashed into her family's mansion and slammed the door behind her

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Erikah flashed into her family's mansion and slammed the door behind her. Immediately she heard the rush of air as her siblings flashed into the room with her.

"Where have you been?" The first question came from Kol. He looked angry and worried at the same time. "If this is about my reaction to your relationship with the Salvatore, I'm sorry."

Erikah raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms. "I went to get a drink and ran into a friend." She said cryptically before shoving past them and going to the bar. She grabbed the bottle of bourbon and poured herself a glass. "Imagine my surprised when he didn't even know who I am." She heard Rebekah take in a deep breath.

"You saw Stefan?" Erikah turned to her sister with a nod before she turned to glare at her older brother, Nik.

She took a sip of her drink before her eyes caught Kol and a smile spread on her face. "I also found out that Katerina is in town and judging by the fact that Elijah is not here, I think he also knows." She downed her drink and turned to pour herself another glass. "You won't touch her, Niklaus."

The tension in the room tightened as everyone fell silent. Nik was glaring at Erikah, his hands in fists at his side. Kol was smiling like a maniac and Rebekah was just waiting for everything to implode.

When the silence persisted for a few more long minutes Erikah sighed, content. "I believe that my awakening is a cause for celebration and seeing that my family, sans our mother and our now dead father—" Erikah paused and sent a smile to Nik. "Thank you for that, brother." Nik simply nodded and moved to make his own drink. "Anyways, seeing as though most of my loved ones are present, now is a great time to have a ball."

There was silence before Rebekah clapped her hands together. "A ball might be a good idea." She said encouragingly. Erikah smiled brightly at her sister before finishing her drink.

"I say Niklaus and Kol on invitations, Elijah on decorating, and Bekah and I will get the outfits." Erikah ordered them around before she placed her glass down and walked over to her sister. "Can you please get in touch with Katerina?" She asked and Rebekah nodded. "If you cannot get ahold of her, contact our brother, I'm sure he's with her."

With that, Erikah flashed up the stairs and into her sister's room in search of some clothes.


The phone buzzed again, causing Katherine to curl her hands into fists and grind her teeth. Yes, she wanted to check who wanted to get in touch with her but now was not the best time.

Sitting across the small diner table from her was one Elijah Mikaelson. He sat with his hands folded on his lap, his suit fitting perfectly, and his face a perfect mask of indifference, not betraying any emotions.

"Perhaps you should check your phone." He finally said after moments of silence.

Katherine offered him a short smile before she shook her head. "I'm busy at the moment so whoever it is will have to wait."

Elijah hummed approvingly before he carefully picked up the cup of coffee that he had ordered. Katherine watched him closely as he took a sip and placed the cup back down.

Before either could speak, Elijah's phone rang from within his jacket pocket. Katherine raised her eyebrows with a smirk.

"You should check your phone."

"I am busy at the moment so it will have to wait." Elijah gave her a challenging look before taking another sip of his coffee and Katherine reached a couple inches in front of her to grab her glass of wine. "Why did you ask me here, Katerina?"

"Don't ask questions you already know the answers to, Elijah." Katherine answered before going back to her wine. Elijah watched her with curiosity before he sighed slightly and sunk back in his chair.

Just then both phones buzzed again and Katherine sighed in exasperation. The one moment she wanted to be left alone.

She threw an apologetic look at Elijah before she turned her phone on and checked the screen. There was a message from someone Katherine never expected to contact her. She looked up briefly at Elijah to see him also checking his phone before she clicked on the message and opened it.

From: Rebekah
Contact me asap. I have news that I'm sure you would love to hear

To: Rebekah
I'm busy

The reply came instantly.

From: Rebekah
Doesn't change the fact that you would love to hear my news

To: Rebekah

Katherine turned her phone off and glanced up at Elijah. Before she could speak he cleared his throat and began. "It seems my sister is in need of your presence and my expertise." Katherine raised her eyebrows questioningly but Elijah just looked back at her, not betraying any answers. "It is best if we put this—" he paused and shuffled in his chair. "meeting off to another time."

"I'll hold you to that." Katherine said before she drained her glass and slid out of the chair. "If you don't hear from me that means your sister has killed me." Katherine saw a smile ghost his lips and smirked.

She turned quickly and walked out of the diner. Once she was clear she pulled her phone out and dialed the Original's number.

"What is so important?" Katherine said as soon as the phone connected. She heard a sigh from the other girl before she answered.

"Can you just get here soon." Katherine rolled her eyes as she began walking at a human pace.

Though she was curious about this news, she was wary of the Original. Rebekah didn't particularly like her and Katherine wasn't sure if Klaus still wanted to kill her.

"Will you at least give me a hint?" Katherine pressed as she continued walking.

There was shuffling on the end of the line before a new voice spoke. A voice that Katherine hadn't heard in decades but would recognize anywhere.

"Is that..." She trailed off, sure that Rebekah understood where the question was going.

"Yes, now get here quickly." Rebekah answered before she hung up the phone.

Katherine stopped walking and spent an embarrassingly long time staring at her phone. A wide smile soon crossed her face as she realized that her best friend was back.

Erikah Mikaelson was back.

Finally. Things are about to get interesting around here.

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