Chapter 18

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I jumped out of the seat in alarm and looked at Ashton. His eyes were full of hurt and sadness. I felt my heart get stuck in my throat as I kept watching him; I hated that look, especially being the cause for it.

"I think I'll leave you guys alone so you can talk this out...." Luke said, walking towards the door.

"No, you'll stay right here," Ashton snapped, anger in his voice. "I thought you said nothing was going on!" He shouted, turning his attention back to me. Customers started looking at us and it made me feel uncomfortable but I knew he wouldn't listen to me if I offered to go somewhere more private.

"Nothing is going on, Ashton, that's the thing! You're just jumping to fucking assumptions!" I'd kept my cool with him about Luke but if he still wasn't trusting me with this after he said he did, I'd had enough.

I understood the picture of Luke and me may have looked a little confusing but it was just two friends hanging out, unlike him and miss Flirty Charlie where she clearly was trying to put the moves on him.

"Maybe I wouldn't jump to those fucking assumptions if you two weren't so close! Why are you even here with him when you know I'm right across the street!?" His voice got louder and louder with each sentence, the hurt still in his eyes but I was hurt too. How could he not see that all I wanted was him and not Luke? Wouldn't I have gone for Luke by now if I did?

"Because you were across the street with her." I said, shooting her a glare. The bitch hadn't moved her arm away from his this whole time and I was getting annoyed he hadn't bothered to pull away.

"What? What does Charlie have to do with any of this!?" 

"Seriously? How blind can you be if you can't tell that she's been flirting with you? Look at her! She can't keep her damn hands off of you!" 

She tightened her arm around his and looked up at him. "Ashton, she's being really rude. Why are you dating her?" She pouted.

"Oh my, god, shut up!" I snapped.

"Ashton, are you going to say something?" she said with a fake, hurt look on her face. When was she going to stop trying?

He pulled his arm away from her grasp. "Just stay out of it, Charlie," he said with an exasperated tone. From the look of her face, she wasn't expecting him to respond like that. She scowled at me and took a step back from Ashton as she crossed her arms under her, obviously, stuffed boobs.

"Why? She's already in it since she's the reason I'm even here with Luke," I said.

"If you didn't want me talking to her, why did you leave to let us keep talking!?" he yelled.

"Looking like a jealous girlfriend isn't exactly my main goal at the moment and plus, it showed that I actually trust you with her; unlike how you feel about Luke and me." 

"Mate, listen." Luke stepped up from behind me. 

"Stay out of this!" Ashton held his hand up at Luke in a stop gesture.

"Ash, just listen!" Luke shouted. "She didn't come to me intentionally. She was at Madeline's and we ran into each other because Michael was picking out a new hair color. Jules walked in, I saw that she was upset about something so I asked if she wanted to talk and she did." He paused. Ashton stood there silently, his body tense. "Put yourself in her point of view. She comes out and sees her boyfriend talking to a pretty girl, who's clearly flirting with him but doesn't seem to get it. Wouldn't you be kind of pissed?"

"Well considering the fact I see it all the time anyways, it does make me pissed."

"What are you talking about?" Luke asked.

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