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Lexi ignored the scrutinizing glares of the council members as she stepped up to the podium. She was busy offering Zeus her best impression of a pissed off goddess. He'd always had trouble keeping his nose out of her affairs, and she wondered if this practice would continue until she reached her one thousandth birthday. Despite her death stare, Zeus remained rooted to the spot next to her.

"I'm sorry you all had to drop what you were doing to come back here today," she began. "I don't really know what all the fuss is about. I have already made it clear to Zeus that I am not going to live in Olympus. My home is in the underworld with Hades, and I will perform my duties as a goddess from there."

"Lexi, your duties are to the gods of Olympus," Zeus said, sticking his nose in her affairs again. "You cannot abandon your divine gifts to spend eternity entertaining the god of the dead."

Entertaining? Lexi scowled. She'd had enough practice arguing with this man that she wasn't ready to back down. Not yet. "Obviously, you weren't listening to a word I said. I am not abandoning my divine gifts. I plan to perform my duties from the underworld."

"And how will you do that?" asked Ares. "Apart from a handful of gods, everyone in the underworld is dead. So, unless you plan to reunite all of those souls with their bodies, which I highly advise against, I do not see how you will be able to perform your duties from there."

Zeus grinned at Lexi, as if he was taking credit for Ares' comment. Lexi was not deterred.

"Can you tell me how my gifts will help the gods, then? Everyone here is immortal."

"Have you not seen the cemetery?" Hera put in. "Most of the gods buried there are under the age of twenty. This is when gods are the most susceptible to death, either by stillbirth or at the hands of another god wielding his or her power. If enough of a god's corporal form is destroyed, they are often unable to recover from their injuries."

Although Lexi's understanding of the gods was still in its early stages, Hera's explanation made sense. Gods were an irrational, vengeful lot. "It sounds like a god with the powers to heal would be of better benefit. I don't know if I am capable of that."

"Yes, you are," Zeus said. "I saw what you did for your horse when she had taken ill during your three month sabbatical with Hades. You had her up and walking about within a single turn of the hourglass."

"But she wasn't injured, she was languishing. There was no open wound or severed body part to heal."

"Believe me, Lexi, what you have to offer is of great benefit to the gods of Olympus," Hera said. She looked quite serious, and Lexi couldn't help feeling guilty for continuing to argue her point. But it had to be done if she wanted to get Hades out of the predicament he had gotten himself into. If she worded things right, she could give the gods what they wanted and keep what she was unwilling to give up.

"I accept your assertion that the gods of Olympus would benefit from my gifts, and I will consider a compromise if you will agree to terminate the minotaur hunt."

Lexi's request had the gods raising their voices in protest, and while an argument ensued at the far end of the table, instigated by Ares, Lexi glanced at Poseidon. He had been sitting quietly as the meeting played out, arms across his chest, face impassive. Now, however, a smile lifted the corners of his mouth, and he inclined his head in her direction. Although she still wanted to kick him in his male parts, she felt as if she had earned an ally in him. Guilt could be a powerful incentive when trying to redeem oneself, and she would use that to her advantage with no remorse.

Zeus' fist came down on the podium, forcing Lexi to step out of the way. "Quiet. Let us handle this as we always have. By a vote. But first, we need to agree on the parameters of the compromise. Lexi, what do you feel is fair? I do not want you to sacrifice all of your happiness. It is important that you find peace with your decision, or you will not be able to perform your duties fully."

Lexi's  FateWhere stories live. Discover now