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Riddhima's P.O.V.

He yanked my body back to him as I was about leave. My soft body collapsed into his hard rock one. Shivers ran down my spine along the dancing butterflies in my tummy. My knees felt numb and whole body stiff. Something sharp was pulling my lower lip eagerly, chewing it.

Oh my god! He is kissing me!

He is kissing me! His lips moved in a fast pace. He trickily slipped his tongue into my mouth and swirled his tongue, tasting every corner of my mouth. His hands sensually moved down, from my back to my lower waist.

I can't breath!

I pulled out as I gasps for air. He was panting and so was I. He joined our foreheads together and kissed the corner of my lips.

"NEVER.EVER! Walk away from me!" He dangerously whispered into my ear, his soft lips touching my earlobe. Electrifying shocks were constantly travelling down my spine as I felt his warm breath fanning on my earlobe and neck.


Hey guys!
Here is the prologue for the story requested by one of my dear friends Smiley876

Smiley I hope u like it!

No guys it won't have over-rated scenes in it so don't panic! :)

Enjoy reading and share your views!


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