Bride and Groom

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Disclaimer: this series was written before Amy and Mark's relationship became public, any descriptions of the character of Amy are in no way a representation of Mark's girlfriend.

I was pacing around the hallway, waiting for Mark to finish getting dressed. I tell you, the stereotype that the  girl always takes longer than the guy getting dressed is definitely not the case with Mark and me. I checked the clock for the hundredth time and sighed.

"Mark! We need to leave in 5 minutes!" I slumped down on a small chair in the hallway before jumping back up, remembering not to crease my beautiful dress.

"Yeah, okay!" Mark yelled back. He refused to let me see him until he was completely ready so I was banished to wait for him outside his room.

"Can I come in now?" I pushed lightly on the door.

"NO!" Mark slammed it shut again, "You mustn't see the groom until the wedding!" I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I think that's the Bride?"

"Oooone seeec." I stood facing the door, my hands clutching a bouquet of blue lilies, "Ok done!"

Mark kicked open the door and stepped out triumphantly. It was all I could do to stop my jaw from dropping at the sight of him in his suit and tie.

"Wow." I gapped, "You should wear suits more often."

"The tie doesn't clash too much?" Mark worried

"No!" I smiled, "You look great." Mark pretended to blush and slapped his hands to his cheeks.

"You look pretty great too!" I did a little twirl in my dress. Mark sighed out nervously but still smiled.

"Wedding?" I said

"Wedding!" He beamed excitedly.


"OK, we're here. OK." Mark fidgeted his hands nervously. We were standing outside the hotel where all the guest for the wedding were staying. It was the last place I'd see Mark before the wedding and he was so cutely nervous. I took in every feeling of being with him before I would have to go to the Bride and Bride's maids room and he would have to go see his grooms men. This would be the last time I would see him as a single man and I was nervous. Happy, but nervous.

"I'll go and set up with the bridesmaids, then. You OK?" Mark nodded and smiled, "OK, see ya!" I gave Mark a hug and squeezed him tight, inhaling his scent. Then I ran up the steps to the hotel entrance. Just as I got to the door Mark yelled after me.

"Hey!" I turned around, my hand on the hotel door, "Tell Amy I love her!" He beamed

"Will do!" I yelled back and waved as I entered the hotel. I took the elevator up to the brides maids room and opened the hotel door to see all my friends getting ready. Singe was there as Jack was one of the grooms men, a few of my old friends from high school and finally Amy.

"Y/N!" Amy yelled and ran up to hug me, "Is Mark OK? Is he nervous? Is he dressed? Did he wear the right tie? Does it clash with the suit?"

"He's fine!" I calmed, "He's on his way to meet up with Jack and Ryan and all the guys. Oh and he told me to say that he loves you!"

Amy blushed and smiled and the other brides maids all 'aww' ed.

"Oh! My dress, I need to get ready!" Amy ran to the closet to get her white dress and I sat down on the bed. The pre-wedding chatter went on around me and I watched as Amy showed off her beautiful dress. It was beautiful. White lace ran down the back and over her shoulders and it fit her so perfectly. I listened as the other bridesmaids ooed and ahhed as she twirled and I kept smiling even though I really did not want to. This was Amy's day; as a bridesmaid I had to make sure it was perfect.

I was the bride's maid.

Amy and Mark, bride and groom.

pssst, there's a part 2...

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