Chapter 1

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"Adam the tests have came back and you and Teigan have a similar blood type" the doctor said. Adam put his head in his hand and started crying. "Thankyou so much" he said. "If you follow me into here we can get the blood taken from you as quickly as possible if you feel dizzy then that's normal don't worry but we advise you to lie down if you do so happen to feel dizzy" the doctor said. Adam nodded his head and followed the doctor into the room. Adam sat down and the doctor started to take Adams blood. After a while the doctor was done. Adam felt dizzy so he done what the doctor had told him to do and lie down on the bed. Adam closed his eyes and fell asleep.
A few hours later and Adam woke up to be greeted by the doctor. "How you feeling Adam" the doctor said. "Better now that I have lay down how's Teigan is she okay is she awake did it work" Adam said. "All went successfully well Adam she should be awake within the next few hours or even before" the doctor said. "Thankyou so much this means so so much to me that you have done this" Adam said. "My pleasure Adam" the doctor said. "Can I please go into teigans room" Adam said. "Yes you can" the doctor said. Adam got up and headed into teigans room. He shut the door behind him and sat next to Teigan and held her hand. "Teigan please wake up soon" Adam said. "It should be me in this hospital bed because of Jason not you why is he so horrible to you I don't understand" Adam said. He held teigans hand tightly. "I'm never ever going to let you get hurt again you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met in my life when I first walked into the rehearsal and I saw you, you caught my eye straight away the way you smile your beautiful eyes they way you flick you hair over your shoulder and blush just everything about you,I was so scared to tell you I liked you I'd never in a million years think you would ever go with a guy like me but you did" Adam said. He brushed teigans hair out of her face. "You are so beautiful" Adam said. "I am the most luckiest guy in the world" he added. "I'm so happy I can call you my girl I can't wait to spend every adventure with you and I can't wait to start our journey together" he said. Adam took a deep breathe and looked at Teigan. "I love you Teigan" Adam said. He bent his head down and kissed teigans hand. "I love you too Adam" Teigan whispered. He lifted his head and saw teigan awake.

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