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Guess who's on a fucking SNK hype? Me. Honestly one of the greatest series I've ever cared about; I had this idea back in 2013 when the anime first aired and hadn't read ahead in the manga. For those of you who haven't caught up, my idea is practically like the Marley and Eldian feud—where individuals are tested on and genetically modified to become titans and/or harness their powers. 

This has no direct relation to the main arc concerning Mikasa, Armin, Eren and the remaining 104 Squad; this is also before Levi, Farlan and Isabel. Currently this is set between years 830 onwards to 851 when the main story of Eren begins. However, I want this to serve as a canonisation prequel to the Survey Corps many failed attempts to succeed and fight for humanity.  

Just like my normal novels I do not consider this a 'fanfiction' despite being in that genre. I'm writing this exactly as the other novels on my account; I aim for this to be realistic as possible and have as much action, heartbreak and drama presented in Hajime Isayama's franchise. This isn't your cliche novel where Levi, Jean or any of the other communities favourites stumble across a shitty pathetic OC and fall in love then it just turns into a lowkey smutt. I've read it too many times and it's TIME TO BE DIFFERENT. 

The purpose of Shingeki no Jiyu (Attack on Freedom) is to show the sheer desperation humanity will go to try and understand what they can't. I want to give the utmost respect to Isayama's brand and not ruin it by reading the same repetitive shit...like c'mon, half of the time the 'fanfics' don't even have proper punctuation or even make sense half the time. Yes this will be a mature novel, yes there will be intimacy and sex, (loads of) swearing, immense violence and graphic scenes so read at your own discretion. 

I hope you enjoy this novel as much as I have in writing it. 

(c) cover by Its_Beaumont 

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