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The alpha and Peter get into my Uncle's car and I get into Justin's since he wants to apparently have a conversation with me while we go to save the kids. We have been sitting in silence for about 5 minutes until he finally breaks it.

"Look Jesse, I'm sorry I've treated you so badly. I mean you were just so suspicious, seriously what werewolf as powerful as you wouldn't know anything about their own kind? It just didn't make any sense to me and since I'm the future alpha I have to be cautious. I hope you understand," he reasoned, making me understand and respect his reasons for being a massive jack ass.

"I get it Justin, I probably would've been suspicious too if it was for the protection of my pack."

"Thanks, and by the way I'm glad to have a cousin and ally as powerful as you."

"What do you mean by ally Justin?"

"I mean, well you turned sixteen in July right?"

"Yeah but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Well since you turned sixteen a few months ago you're officially Alpha Davens' first born son"


"Meaning, you dumb ass, you are rightfully the next alpha of the Red Moon pack if your father hands it down to you."

"Wait what do you mean first born son?"

"I mean you, my friend have two half brothers, one who turned sixteen a few weeks ago and thinks he is supposed to be the next alpha, so good luck getting along with him." he chuckled. Shit.

"Does my father have to give the title to me?" I asked hoping I won't have to be since I don't know the first thing about being one.

"Not unless he feels you don't deserve it, but I'm telling you right now Alpha Davens likes to go by the rules and you are more powerful then your brother because of your mother's power making you the better choice for the pack." He said looking pleased, whilst I on the other hand, was anxious out of my mind. If he has a son a couple of months younger than me then it probably means he cheated on my mother, his rightful mate.


We pull up to the dump like house that I hope doesn't have any harmed children inside because this won't end well if it does. I hop out of the car and kick the door open just in time to see him holding Felix up against a wall with Shay holding Henry behind him about to get slapped across the face by Kim.

"Stop!" I yell causing a raged Phil to turn looking at me in anger and throwing Felix to the ground. He runs towards me intending to hit me in the face as I see Justin walking towards Kim and restraining her. Just as Phil was about to strike I flip him over me and punch me repeatedly in the face causing it to get bloody.

"Stop Jesse, you're gonna kill him!" I heard Felix cry out, but I couldn't, my wolf was in a powerful stage of rage and hate and I couldn't stop until I felt a strong hand grab my fist and pull me off him.

"You ever look for my nephew or these kids and you will die, you have know idea who or what you're dealing with bastard!" My uncle shouted at Phil walking all of us over to the cars while trying to calm me down.

"They can't just get away with it!" I yelled.

"They're not, I called a human I know who is apart of their law enforcement who knows what has happened, they are going to jail."

"Thank you" I replied smiling at him as we drove back to the pack house with Shay and Felix chatting away telling me everything that happened while I was gone.


*2 weeks later

"Jesse let's get you angry! I know you can control it this time, I mean we have been bloody doing this over and over again everyday for two weeks it should be about time." Justin chuckled at me trying to sound agitated with his dad standing close by to restrain me if needed again.

"I know, I know but it's not my fault my wolf is too powerful." I replied winking which caused him to roll his eyes while start to circle me getting in fight mode. I start doing the same and he screams at me before throwing a punch in human form.

"Now Jesse, remember the goal is to actually stay in human wolf, not like last time okay?"

"Okay, I think I've got it this time." I replied before he kept trying and succeeding to throw punches at my jaw. Every punch made my wolf get closer to wanting to rip his head off but I had to contain him this time. I felt an adrenaline rush and fought him back resisting the urge to turn. That caused him to fight back harder, testing my wolf.

"Come on Jesse, fight!" He yelled before tackling me to the ground and punching my kidneys over and over making me and my wolf get really angry.

"I don't know if I can contain him Justin!" I yelled.

"Yes you can, now fight me properly, without help from your little wolf." And with that I felt my wolf almost give the power to me in human form to prove a point, to prove that we are one.


"I can't believe you finally controlled him Jesse." Charlie said excitedly in my ear as Justin and I were following my uncle back into the house.

"Yeah, but I didn't realise how good of a fighter you were in human form, like seriously your wolf never gave you a chance to fight on your own." Justin chuckled as we walked into the lounge room where Hayley, Shay and Dakota were.

"Yeah, but it was weird, I kind of felt like my wolf gave me an extra boost of power in my human form." I said sitting down on the couch ready to watch whatever movie the girls were watching.

"That's pretty sick Jesse." Hayley added smiling just as Peter came down the stairs.

"Jesse, the alpha wants to talk to you in his office for a second." He said.

"Sure." I relied jogging towards the door before knocking.

"Come in." I opened the door and sat down in the chair in front of his desk when he made the motion.

"Now Jesse, I talked to your father yesterday and I haven't told him about you yet but I did say I was bringing someone to meet him." He said looking unsure if I was going to be happy about meeting him. "He invited us to go there in two days, so it will be me, you, Peter, Adrian, Justin as well as Hayley and Dakota so they can meet the Red Moon leaders while we are there as well since we are allies. Are you okay with that?" He asked and there was no way I didn't want to go even though I was nervous as hell and know I'm going to bring a bit of chaos to their pack since he already has a family.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks for doing that sir."

"Of course Jesse and you don't have to call me sir." He said smiling as I was walking out the door.

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