12: Hospital Trip

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Everything stopped when Mr. Ponder said that. Tears started flowing down my cheeks as I picture Nathan in a hospital bed. Why was he even in the hospital? Does he have cancer? Or diabetes?

"W--what's wrong with him?" I asked not looking at Mr. Ponder.

He sighs then answers "He is in the hospital because on Saturday morning he went down to the park to go draw. While he was walking to his normal seat on the bench next to the pond a car ran into him. The car driver was drunk and swerved majorly off the road." He sighs again and whips a tear away from his face.

"He--he got ran into by a c-car?!" Tears started to burst out my eyes when I said it out loud.

Mr. Ponder bows his head tears still flowing down his cheeks. He looks back up at me as I cry my eyes out and said "Come in. Please."

We talk about me and Nathan's relationship and how we met. Then I ask "Can I go see him? Tonight?"

Mr. Ponder looks at me with soft eyes. I've only ever seen him mad a teary. It's a surprise to me when he nods and smiles. It wasn't a creepy smile ,like I thought it would be, but it was a warm soothing smile.


The doctor leads us down many corridors until we reach a door. The door that holds Nathan in it. Tears start falling again as the doctor opened the door. Nathan rested on the bed arms by his side. His skin was so pale I almost didn't recognize him. He had a bruised up face, neck brace, and the doctor said he broke a few ribs. His pale face look lifeless as it shifted. He was waking up.

Nathan shifts his head again and rolls his eyes open looking straight at me. He said "Lilith?
I-is that *cough cough* y-you?" He reaches his hand up to my face, he's to weak to reach. I grab his hand resting it on my cheek, holding his other hand tightly.

"Yes. It's me Nathan, it's me." I said tears bursting out. Tears roll down his cheeks and the doctor walks out.

"How you feeling Nathan?" Mr. Ponder said behind me.

Nathan grunts then says "I've felt better" he coughs again. I look away as he practically chokes I can't stand to see him in pain.

We talk some more about random things trying to forget about the car accident. It doesn't work of course. Mr. Ponder leaves after a while and me and Nathan are left alone. My tears slowed, but reappeared when I looked back at Nathan after his dad left.

"Lilith... I don't like watching you cry. It'll be ok." Nathan says.

"I can't stop. You have broken ribs and your in a neck brace. That's not OK!" I started yelling in frustration. I wasn't mad at him, but mad at what happened to him. "I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you I promise." I said quieter.

He strokes my hair then drops his hand down and says "I know, I know. I don't like the situation either."

The mood in the room calms down and we talk about random useless stuff. We talk till the doctor comes in saying Lilith your parents are here for you. I kiss Nathan on the cheek and walk out trying to whip tears away from my face.

When I see my parents they run towards me and squeeze me so tight I hardly can breathe. But I didn't care I just crying into them and cried on the way home till I feel asleep at home on the couch.

Sry that took so long. My wifi wasn't working so I couldn't do anything.

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