Chapter Eight

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**Katniss’s POV**
            No, don’t hurt me please! Please don’t hurt me! That’s what keeps ringing through my head. That’s what I can’t stop hearing as I sit outside of the room with Peeta and his failed attempts to comfort me. I sit there and cry as I think about what my little sister just said. What happened to her? Why would she be afraid of me? Tears stream down my face as Peeta puts his arm around me. I cry into his shoulder. I even saw his face with a depressed expression when he saw Prim yell for me to stay away. What happened? I pull away from his shirt and I look him in the eyes. Those perfect blue eyes.
“Peeta, what did Snow do to her?” I ask even though he knows only what I know.
“Katniss I’m not sure what Snow did to her. All I know though, is we are going to find out and we are going to fix her alright?” He says.
“You promise?” I ask.
“If the doctors can’t do anything, then I will. I will not stop until she is your loving sister again. Like she was never in the Capitol.” He says. I put my head back in his shoulder, but I don’t cry. I can’t afford to cry anymore. I have to stay strong. I already promised myself I would and now I have to keep my word. We sit there for 5 minutes, embracing each other. Then, Coin walks out of the room that Prim is in. Of course, her face is rock hard. Expressionless. I look at her and she stares back at me. I can’t read her eyes. I don’t know what is going through her mind. She just looks at me. I’m not really sure where my words are at the moment. But Peeta always comes through for me.
“Do you know what’s wrong with her?” He asks.
“It’s a complicated thing to explain but I will do my best. You see, the Capitol used a technique called high jacking. Basically, they use tracker jacker venom to mess with her mind. What most likely happened is he showed her pictures or videos of you and used the tracker jacker venom to make the images of you look scary and the only thing she remembers about you is pain.” She says.
“So, what you are saying, Prim doesn’t remember anything she ever did with Katniss.” Peeta says.
“That’s right” She says.
“Does she remember Katniss at all?” He asks.
“No, she doesn’t. From what we have observed. We want to see though if Snow messed with her memories of anyone else.” She says. I feel sick.
“Who do you think she may not remember?” Peeta asks.
“Well, she said she wanted her mother earlier so I believe she remembers her. We will double check. We want people she came in contact with often. So Peeta, you, Gale, Rory, Finnick, Haymitch, Rosemary, Hazel, and anyone else. Hopefully though, she will be able to just tell us who she fears.” Coin says.
“What if she doesn’t remember us? What if she is still afraid of us? Can you fix her?” I ask, suddenly finding my voice again.
“We have some theories of fixing her if it comes to that. Hopefully we can just make her remember you and anyone else she may not know. But if we can’t, we are going to pull together everyone that we can and work on some ideas that may trigger her memory. Maybe she will remember some things that she did with Katniss or Peeta.” Coin says.
“What do you want us to do right now?” Peeta asks.
“I want you two to go tell your mother and bring her back.” Coin says.
“Alright, we will be back in a few minutes.” Peeta says. I nod in agreement. Prim, my little duck, doesn’t remember me? We have been together and almost inseparable since the day she was born. We grew up playing together and learning together. She is only 4 years younger than me and we have been best friends. When my father died we became even closer because we were all we had. Our mother with her depression and our father gone, we had no one else. Then I started hunting and I met Gale. I started spending a lot of time with him. I obviously still stayed with Prim, but I met Gale every day to hunt and we hunted a lot. I remember some days the only time I saw Prim was in the morning before school. I would meet with Gale after school and hunt until late at night. Days we didn’t have to go to school Gale and I would hunt all day. I would be there for her when she needed me, but I usually spent my time in the woods. And that was fine with her because it meant food. It meant surviving. It also meant sacrifice. All I can do is stand there next to Peeta. I can’t move as I reflect everything I did wrong as a sister.
“Katniss, honey?” Peeta says next to me. I come out of my daze and I look at him, holding back the tears.
“Yes Peeta?” I barely whisper.
“We need to get your mother. We will have to get Layla as well.” He says and we turn and start to walk away. This is the first time we let my mother watch Layla for us. I have been afraid she would not pay enough attention to her and she may get hurt. But we were needed for a propo and she was the only one left. In the middle of the propo though, we saw the Capitol hovercraft and immediately found our way back inside. But just as we were going down in the elevator, I saw her blonde hair. I screamed and yelled for them to go back but they said it was too dangerous. I went searching after that and somehow found myself at the hospital. I went from room to room with a feeling she was in one of them. And I was right. I look at Peeta and see he is waiting for some kind of answer. He must have said something and I wasn’t paying attention.
“I’m sorry Peeta. I was thinking. What did you say?” I ask.
“That’s alright love. I just asked if you were okay. You had a look on your face and it kind of scared me.” He says.
“I just, can’t stop thinking about her. And what a horrible sister I was.” I say.
“You were in no way a horrible sister Katniss.” Peeta says.
“Yes I was Peeta. I spent every spare minute I had in the woods hunting with Gale and not with her.” I say. I can see a little hurt on his face when I say that I was with Gale a lot, but it vanishes almost as fast as it showed up.
“Well, that’s how you survived. If you weren’t brave enough to go out and find a way to bring food home, you all would have starved.” He says.
“I know. I just wish I could have taken her with me or something.” I say. He stops and we are in front of my mother’s compartment.
“We have to tell her Prim is back.” I say.
“I know. But hey, we told her you were pregnant and we are both still alive.” Peeta says.
“Yeah, and she banned you from the house and said we couldn’t see each other anymore.” I say.
“Well, Coin said Prim might remember your mother. So this could be good news to her.” Peeta say smiling. I can’t help but smile back. I lean up and kiss him. I only intended a small kiss, but he grabs me and pulls me closer to him. I feel something again. I can feel myself wanting more of him; but we need to talk to my mother. I keep kissing him though, waiting for my chance to pull away and I do.
“We will finish this later.” I tell him and he turns to the door. I knock, and then enter.

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