Chapter Nine

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     After a month in the harsh terrain of the Northwest Territory. Olympe was used to the bitter cold, though the wind was a bitch to her not-thick-enough coat. Her senses had guided to her meals, though they were few and far in between, she had learned to eat them fast or the carcasses would freeze. The lands had taken it's tole on her, farther toughing her already calloused skin, making her thin figure willowy, and her senses had become heighten. Her eyes soon adjusted to the plain snow, her paws memorized the lands and marked her territory, prowling along it each day and night.

     As she sat on a high boulder that looked over a tundra that she had stumbled across one day, she basked in the warmth that the midday sun proved, that is, until she spotted several dark figures in the distance. Shaking it off as the sun reflecting off the snow and playing tricks on her eyes, she lowered her head back onto her paws. But when she heard the far off hollers over the harsh winds that blew over the tundra, all senses became alert, her lips pulled back in a snarl. Who were these people on her lands? Slowly her fur rose in intimidation, uncomfortable in how close they were getting towards her boulder and her cave that sat not too far into the forest that shielded her from view.

     They got into eye shot distance and she could make out their fur clothing and dusk skin. Inuits. Dwellers of the land, natives, they were called many things, but to the she-wolf they were the toughest humans around, what person in their right mind would willingly be out here? But this was how they had always lived, and she was quite fine with them now that she knew who they were. Then she heard the dogs, they barked like crazy, in her direction, she narrowed her eyes in annoyance. They were now twenty feet away from the boulder, her snow covered grey coat blended right in.

     Letting out an ominous growl, she rose into view, these dogs would not disturb her well deserved peace. The trio of Inuits froze at the sight of a wolf the size of a small bear. Olympe watched them through slitted eyes, reveling the way fear seeped from their pores. She gradually made her way down to them, hoping slowly off one part of the boulder to another, she was an ice queen descending her throne. Observing their almond shaped eyes and long dark lashes, accompanied by dark hair and brows. A deep flush from the cold shone through their olive skin tone, high cheekbones framed their faces nicely. Two men, one woman. Human. The air reeked of them and their dogs.

     "Olice what do we do?" A hushed, panicked voice flowed from the man on the left, his eyes never leaving her body but never looking her in the eye. Good, he knows his place. As she prowled closer, a snarl from one of the huskies came from her right before it lunged at her. With a simple swipe of her paw, it flew ten feet away into the deep snow. Releasing a growl of irritation, Olympe stood tall and proud with her head at eye level with the humans.

     "I don't know, it's huge." The girl, Olice she supposed, from the middle breathes out, a rumbling silences her quickly. Her richly colored skin seems to lose color. This amused her greatly, with a swish of her tail, Olympe trotted away to her cave to pull on her cloths.

     Clad in warm boots, two shirts, leggings under some jeans, and parka, she strode out to were she left the dumbfounded Inuits. She watched them from the trees as they checked over their fallen dog, she knew the little shit would be alright, it was just a bit stunned. The crunch of her boots in the snow made them turn towards her, surprise written all over their faces, clearly expecting her wolf. Out of pure curiosity, she spoke to them first.

     "I'm assuming I wasn't who you were expecting?" Her hands dug deep into her pockets, hiding the scars from the cuffs and fights from their view.

     "A rabid wolf is on the loose, miss, it'd be best if you'd get back to your village." The boy that lingered in the back said. She cocked an eyebrow at him, her coiled and knotted hair blew in the slight breeze that somehow made it's way through the protect nook.

      "Now I wouldn't say rabid, just a little feral." The female elaborated for them. Bewildered expressions met her blank one. "A large grey female wolf, yes? She's the one you speak of?" Wow, she thought to herself, I have never spoken this much in one sitting.

     "You've seen the creature, stranger?" Olice asked, her voice full of wonder. "She was as big as a leopard!" Her wolf snarled inside of her at the unintended insult, Olympe herself was glad she had self restraint, other wise she taken a claw and peeled their skin from muscle.

     "She's mine, in a sense. A wild pet, if you will, and you are on her territory." She was starting to wish she hadn't interacted with the natives, she just wanted them to get their mutt and get off her lands.

     "Well, keep the thing on its leash." The unknown male said, and all hell broke loose. It started with the sentence and ended in bloodshed.

     Olympe heard it before she realized it, the distinct crack of a shift, her willpower fade into nothingness, into a black void that was out of reach for the time being. The humans quivered in fear, she could she each individual hair on their body shaking from their exertion, their murky eyes wide with fright, the distinct smell of piss filtered in the air. Her lips lifted in indignation as the female, Olice fainted and the younger male fell to help her soon to be lifeless body. But the elder male shook in rage, the she-wolf watched in amusement as his body forcefully shifted, it came as no surprise to her that an Inuit was a wolf, it made perfect sense.

     The male's Delta sized wolf was larger than here but clearly had no experience in fighting, it was like a seasoned warrior going against a pup, the defiance she saw in his near onyx eyes sparked a dominance battle urge that would surely end in blood. Before he could blink, the male was thrown just like his dog was, in her eyes, pathetic excuse of a wolf. Stalking over to the male who was on his knees by the girl.

     In a bounding leap, she knocked him away from her and let her claws rake the side of his face, his cries of pain and writhing body underneath here was a glorious symphony to her. Knocking his head back with her paw, he laid passed out and barely alive. Turning, Olympe saw that the Wolf had gotten up, his light body blended in with the snow, save for the few flecks of brown strands here and there, he stood over the unconscious body of the girl protectively.

     She slowly crept up on the male, showing dominance, growling loudly with he did not bare his neck in submission, her wolf snarled in rage. Tackling him and pushing them away from the girl, she pinned him down, her strength and dominance pulsated in the air so loudly that you could almost she the energy from it. With a whimper, he bared his neck and shifted back beneath her wolf.

     Contempt with her work, Olympe trotted back towards her boulder, leaping upon the large rock barely identifiable through the thick woodlands in front of it, the Inuit Wolf realized how she did what had she done. Growling as she settled back on her rock, her demand was simple enough, get out of her lands. The weeping teenage body that laid in a pool of his own blood and the just now waking Olice, the naked man gathered the younger boy in his arms and put him on their little sled that they had carried with them.

     Watching them with no emotion, Olympe saw the girl look around in fear and confusion, soon locking eyes with gunmetal, gasping softly when the beast before it growled lowly as it shifted it's giant paws underneath it, an anger filled young Olice as she looked upon her younger brother's mauled face and the Wolf's bloodied paws. She'd forever hate wolves, unknown to Olice that it was a werewolf that nearly killed her baby brother, Olympe was proud of herself, defending her territory like that.

The trio left much quieter than they had when they arrived, her wolf though smugly.

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