Chapter 10: Oh I'm Touched.... That was sarcasm BTW

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(how they look dancing on the water)


I slam the alarm clock to pieces and stand up from my bed.

I walk towards my closet and pull out the travel bag that is at the bottom of my closet and start packing clothes into it.

I don't pack any ninja clothes because I don't usually need them so I pack my sports bra and black shorts. I also pack some pretty day dresses that a princess should wear.

I also pack my tight black singlet and my orange and black sleeping booty shorts.

I then go take a shower and do all my hygiene related things than pack my shampoo, conditioner, hairbrush and toothbrush.

I put on a dress and go to brush my hair

This is the second time I've seen myself since I and Setsumi had connected.

My hair grew longer and silkier but still the same dirty blond, my eyes had become and brighter blue colour.

I put on an ankle bracelet that has my family crest on it and then put on my tiara. I throw my backpack over my shoulder and walk out of the house not before locking the door, though. As I walk through the streets of the leaf the early risers see me and bow I nod my head and continue to the gate where I show my pass and step through.

I walk and walk and walk not much happens when I'm walking to the wave village.


As I'm filling out the paperwork I try to picture myself in Kiyomi's shoes and I can't; not being accepted by the one you chose to spend the rest of your life with then on top of that having the physical pain of the mark and the emotional pain of watching the one you chose kissing and nearly having sex with the girl who hates you I can see why she feels broken.

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts

"Enter," I say

The door opens to Sarotobi sensei and team 7 walking in

"Ah! Team 7 what can I do for you today"

The Naruto walks up to me

And slams his hands down on the desk

"Why is om- Hime being removed from team 7 put her back on!"

I sigh and rub my head

'how did I know this would happen'

"I'm sorry Naruto but it wasn't my choice and it's not my choice to make"

His face goes red

"What's that supposed to mean!"

The pink haired bitch stands up

(yeah she took away her sisters love she's a bitch)

"Come on Naruto- Baka if the bimbo doesn't want to be on our team then let's leave her"

I stand up and glare at the pink haired girl who shrivels in fear

"I would appreciate it if you wouldn't call the princess a bimbo; if anything you're a bimbo I will not tolerate sexual activity in my hospital rooms with or without patients in the room"

I started talking but ended up shouting

"Now you have a mission to the land of waves send him in"

A man named Tazuna walks into the room

"Now Tazuna" I started

"She will be there by the time you arrive they are not to stay with you they are to find their own residence no matter the situation and YOU" I turned to the group "are not to ask or beg of any kind if I hear you stayed with him then you will be demoted back to the academy" they grimaced I smirked and added

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