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"Dude! Where's Loney?"

"Man, I don't know! But Ms.Moss and Ms.Mami's looking for him!"

"Maybe he's in his room!"

"I don't know...i don't care,though."

"What if we get in troub-"

"Lets go!"

What they didn't realize was that they were standing right in front of my door, not even whispering. I bet they could've been heard all the way downstairs. Fred and his buddy-friend, or whatever.

I heard them while i was laying in my bed, with a pillow smothered over my face. I threw the pillow onto the floor and sat up slowly.

GOD, my body hurts...

I stood up off the bed. . . If only my legs didn't feel like giving in, I would've found my way to the bathroom. But they did, and I fell right back on the bed. I just felt my whole body cringe in pain. Nothin' but pain. I thought about what Litzy said . . . as a matter of fact, i thought about that all night. I couldn't even sleep because of the pain i was in ; mentally and physically. If I were to choose the worst pain in the world though... it would be mentally. Sometimes that stuff can't heal. You think about until you cant think no more.

And that's when you're dead.

Like that time when I was little. I was still picked on. Then I grew up a little, and dad got really strict.

He claimed me only cleaning half of the house. When I cleaned the whole house... and all he cleaned was the couch he slept on overnight. Because he wouldn't sleep with mom. He never told us why. He always spent time with this man and this woman who would always come to our house. Dad seems like the type to sneak out at night and have a threesome with anyone he could find.

Yup, that's him. Yeah, i thought I would have the type of dad that actually cared for his family. You know, actually teach me how to act like a mature person ; strong, brave, encouraging.. When i'm just a weak, scared...lonely person, i don't know.



As soon as lunch time hit, I thought about Jaden.

How was he going to eat? Who's going to bring food to him? I wonder if anybody's even looking for him! Does Ms.Mami know? ... Does Ms.Moss know? ... What if they really don't look for him, what if he starves---

Litzy just go make a tray for the boy, dang! Quit wastin' your time just standing here in the middle of the main room!

I quickly ran to the line, where the kids were stacking up they're trays with food. Mostly fried chicken, green beans, cranberry sauce, macaroni, and chicken salad croissants. I fixed me and Jaden a tray, then walked up to where all the drinks were; sodas. There was on,y one soda left, and GOSH DID I WANT IT, but i decided to get it for Jaden...since...i don't know.

I walked out of the kitchen and went up the steps, finally stopping at Jaden's room, hearing what i call, 'Silence'. I slowly knocked on the door and waited... waited waited waited waited waited wait--


I just noticed the door was open, and Jaden was staring right at me, with a twisted expression on his face. "OH!" I kinda shrieked, quickly handing him the tray. He stared at the tray, taking it from my hands. Then he stood there. "I'm really not-"

"Eat." I demanded, giving him the most bland and care-free expression i could find. "Eat. I don't care if you aren't hungry."

He frowned. "But.......aight" He stepped aside. "You comin' in?"

By the way he asked that, i could tell he needed someone to talk to. It shown in his eyes, like he was waiting for me to come in and talk.

And of course i wouldn't eat downstairs with those other kids. None of them notice me so what's the point.

I smiled and walked in, looking around. "Have I seen your room before?" I asked him, blinking so hard. I could feel the back of my eyelids start to ache. Jaden shook his head. "Nope." He said, in the loudest voice he could, which was just a mumble.

To be honest, Jaden got jacked up! The way he's speaking! His movements! It's like it's not even him!

"Oh.." I looked down at my tray.



Slimy green beans... ew.

I stared up at Jaden as he limped to a piano that i had just noticed that was in the room. I cocked my head to the side.

Then out of the blue he started playing.

It was like my heart melted.





~ i really didn't feel like fixing typos. BUUUT here's the chapter. I know its not that long. But i have like, 2 more chapters ready. So yea :) How do you guys like this story? Like, what do you like about it?

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