Steve Harvey X Dr.Phil

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Hi, my name is Steve Harvey. Today, I am starting high school.

As I walked through the hallways, a person bumped into me. "Soory..." I said, dusting my navy blue skirt. "It's OK..hI , my name is Dr. Phil." He smiled, puckung up my books.

"I'm Steve. Steve Universe. Nah jk fam I'm Steve Harvey."

Another person git right between me and Phil. "what are you doing with my boyfriend Mr.Potato head?"

"Jerry, its not the time...We aren't even dating." Phil glared.

"Um...Who are you?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"I'm Jerry, Jerry Springer." He crossed his arms as well over his sailor outfit.

"Get outta here weeb. Your unibrow looks like a sweatband." I glared back.

Jerry stomped away furiously.

I look back at Phil. He was smiling. "Thanks..U actually have a question." He said blushing softly.

"Wanna go to the dance next Friday?"

I gasp.


Phil smiled and walked off.

I saw Jerry in the corner talking to people. "I know Darelle isn't the father, him and his 'I am a South Park character so I wobble with my feet side to side' lookin asS, would never get a girlfriend."

I got mad and grabbed an apple and threw it at him. He fell over and cried. I yelled in disgust and walked away. I smiled to myself. I'm going to the dance with Mr.Phil.


This has been...

The good life

the enG

Steve Harvey x Dr.PhilWhere stories live. Discover now