Search?! (24)

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___Rivero's P.O.V___

I sat in my office with a smile on my face. My plan was working out perfectly. At this rate no-one can stop me. I chuckled to myself. There was a knock at my office door and I looked at the door and said "Come in."

The door opened and one of my men walked in. He sat in the chair opposite to my desk.

"What happens now?" He asked leaning back into the chair.

"What do you mean?" I asked packing up a few papers that were scattered over my desk.

"Now that we have them, what's gonna happen now?"

"The easiest part of all," I smiled, "we kill them."

"I don't understand why you want them dead so badly."

I was about to snap his head off when I remembered that he was new. He was one of the men who helped my men escape when they were caught by the mafia. They did a good job.

"I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before." I said leaning back in my chair.

"Not to me." He said.

"Mariano, Isabella's boyfriend and baby father, killed my Jessica and my unborn child. So I want him to pay."

"Oh, by killing his child and girlfriend."

I nodded with a smile.

"But, I don't get how her sister is involved." He said.

"She was just a plan B, a bonus if you will." I said.

He nodded and got up to leave. 

___Issy's P.O.V___

I was on the bed feeling terrible pains. I twisted and turned all over. Gabby was beside me trying to give as much comfort as she could. When the pain began to get worse I screamed out. A look of panic washed over Gabrielle's face she stood up and began banging on the door. 

"Issy, relax please." She said as she continued banging on the door.

"Gabs." I called. 

She turned and looked at me with worry in her eyes.

"It's just abdominal pain, it will pass." I said clutching my stomach in pain.

She ran over to me and sat on the bed, she began to rub my belly soothingly. "Are you sure it will pass?" She asked.

I nodded and then I heard the door open. A man walked in and closed the door. He held a glass of water in his hand.

"What are you doing?" Gabby asked the man. He set the glass on the night stand while looking at Gabby.

"I heard the banging."He said looking from Gabby to me. "Is she okay?" He asked.

"She says she is." Gabby said. This strange man walked over to the bed where I was still in pain and sat beside me. He looked at me sympathetically before a warm smile appeared on his face. I looked at him awkwardly, as I was beginning to get creeped out.

"What is it?" Gabby asked.

He didn't answer, he still sat there staring at me.

"You remind me of my sister when she was pregnant." He said standing up. I looked at him without any emotion present.

"Did you sit down and watch your sister when she was pregnant?" Gabrielle asked raising her eyebrow.

"I wish I had." Was his reply.

"What do you mean?" Gabby asked.

"She died giving birth, the baby eventually died too, he wasn't healthy." With that he walked out and locked the door.

Pregnant with the italian's baby ✔Where stories live. Discover now