The Mute Girl

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  Today mommy said we are going to see a nice lady so that she can help me say words but I couldn't explain to mommy that I didn't wanna go and that I would be okay but I wouldn't say anything. Mommy said the reason why I had to go to see her is because it's not normal for little kids like me to not talk but mommy doesn't understand and i'm not even a kid i'm six and that makes me a big girl. If only mommy really knew why I couldn't talk maybe then she would understand.

 When I started to think back to that night I started to cry.

 "Baby girl, why are you crying?" Mommy ran over to me and picked me up.

 I shook my head at her. That made her mad," Please tell me Cami it's important so that we can help you."

 I really did wanna tell mommy but whenever I tried to open my mouth to talk I got scared and and quickly closed it back shut.

 "Fine then Cami let's head out to the car so we can go see the nice lady." Mommy picked me up and took me to the car and put me in my car sear.


"So your name is Cami?" The nice lady that tells me her name is Dr.Rodriguez but told me I could call her Anna.

 I just sat there and looked at her with no expression on my face.

 "Your mommy told me that you don't wanna talk anymore. Did something happen to you that has made you want to stop talking Cami?" Ms. Anna asks me but yet I still couldn't make myself answer her.

 "Okay Cami I can see that this isn't helping but maybe we can try another day. I will tell your mommy that starting from now on until I can help you to my best ability I will be seeing you here in my office every Wednesday afternoon okay?"

 I didn't answer i just got up and walked out of the room to get mommy so we could go get some ice cream because she promised me if I was a good girl today we could stop by the ice cream shop on the way home.


Ok guys what do yall think i dont know if its that good but ive really wanted to write this story for a while but just as a heads up it will be a romance book too. Please vote and comment and continue to read my book and also feel free to read any of my other books.


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