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"What type of sick fuck—"


"No! You saw what happened out there! Sakura had a panic attack and someone, some lowlife piece of fucking shit, did... did that to her! She's absolutely not getting into T&I now! I want her to be safe and this isn't the right place for her!"

"I was going to say that you're in a hospital and you're going to get us kicked out if you keep shouting," Ibiki said. The two were in the sterile white hallways just outside the room Sakura was in. Currently, she was being checked up on by the resident psychologist. Genma crossed his arms and lowered his voice to an angry whisper.

"How can you be so calm about this? No one deserves what she went through!"

"That's true, but if we're going to speak to her as her sensei, then we have to be calm. For her sake. She's been through a lot and she doesn't need even more stress from us."

The senbon wielding jounin grumbled in agreement. The door opened and the psychologist exited the room.

"Haruno-san's perfectly stable and can be discharged later today," the psychologist informed. "All we need is her guardian to fill out all the necessary paperwork. Before I leave, there are some things that need to be addressed about her situation."

Genma internally prepared himself for the worst. The psychologist lowered her voice so that the sparse numbers of passer-bys and Sakura couldn't hear what she had to say.

"I looked over Yamanaka-san's assessment of her and, unfortunately, agree with all his findings. Her trauma is deeply rooted in her mind and will probably take years to overcome. She hasn't said a word about any incident, but there is the case of her bandaged neck," she informed. Ibiki's brow knit.

"She came back physically unharmed."

"She did. The injury came after she arrived at the hospital." At their confused stares, she continued. "When a nurse came to check her vitals, he saw Haruno-san scratching at her neck until it bled in her unconscious state. After examining the wounds, we noticed that build up of scar tissue that suggested her neck was scratched a numerous amount of times before, as well as was healed over just as much. Does she know medical ninjutsu?" she asked. They were aware of the books she read on the subject, but they never saw her even remotely practice it.

"She's... familiar with the concept."

"It's either she's been healing herself or getting help from someone who didn't document it. My guess is the former." The psychologist glanced at her wrist watch. "I'll have a nurse deliver the documents for her release to you. If you'll excuse me, I have to finish my rounds."

At her leaving, Ibiki and Genma slipped into the room. Sakura didn't even glance up at their entrance, keeping her eyes glued to her hands.

"Did I fail the mission?" she asked, voice hoarse. Genma pursed his lips in return. That wasn't a question she should've concerned herself with, especially since she was the one admitted for an unprecedented mental breakdown. He pulled up a stool beside her bed and mustered up a bright grin.

"Nah, you did awesome, kid. I can say that you've carried out that C-rank better than half the chuunin brats I know," he said. She wasn't too convinced.

"But I had an episode. And I heard what you said out there... you weren't trying to be quiet," she mentioned. Genma shrunk a bit under his superior's scathing glare as he took the senbon from his lips and tucked it away.

"We're still more than willing to train you. Come by as much as you do now, but you won't have to worry about that T&I business. A lot of shady shit goes on in there, you know? You wouldn't have liked it anyways."

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