Chapter Twenty-One

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            The great hall was humming with life as the hour grew well into the evening. The servants were now well aware of the unexpected arrival of their Master’s betrothed and seemingly surprised.

            The warriors crowding the trestle table sipped at hearty goblets of mead and ale while feasting on salted haddock and maize corn. They conversed informally amongst one another, as they indulged their hungers, with little talk of war focusing solely on gaiety.

            Lynette lingered in the shadows of the hall as all else carried on about her. From beneath hooded eyes she surveyed the men aligned along the table.

            She shivered inwardly as her eyes settled on the badly scarred warrior. His plate remained untouched and he entertained naught but his ale. The women in the room seem to shrink away from the giant in fear but the warrior seemed unperturbed.

            Her eyes passed briefly over the man called Ivan whose laughter carried the loudest amongst the hall as he playfully snatched a chunk of haddock from the man’s plate sitting across from him.

            The Norman whose haddock was seized released a rumble of laughter as he slapped the fish from Ivan’s hand, his russet beard jutting beneath his bulbous nose.

            But it was neither of these men that had caught her attention. One warrior in particular sat amongst the crowd, immersing himself in the meal and the entertainment.

            Her eyes settled on the one called Gavin whose eyes trailed wickedly over a serving wench. A swift and unexpected pang of jealousy gripped her but just as abruptly as the emotion surfaced, she shoved it away. She was startled by this and equally shocked by her reaction.

            Gavin should be of no interest to her but she couldn’t help but notice how the women in the room seemed drawn to him. Aye, she could admit even to herself that he was the most attractive man she had ever seen but he was a Norman and an arrogant one at that! Even now he flirted openly with the women around him, flashing smiles and even having the audacity to wink at another.

            He appeared quite comfortable with all the women practically swooning at his feet, brandishing him with timid glances and soft giggles. Her ears seemed to burn with his sultry voice as it passed in the room as he lavished the women with compliments that catered to their obvious charms.

            Lynette was absolutely irritated by the sight and had an intriguing thought of dumping her tray of ale onto the rogue’s lap.

            As she started from the shadows, she stopped even before she stepped as the doors opened followed by an immediate hush as a dark-haired woman entered the hall.

            Alana had done her best to avoid the hall. She could hear the commotion, surely for the arrival of their chieftain’s bride, and sought to escape the festivity.

            She was hopelessly and profoundly confused by her feelings for Fallon and was shocked by her feeble barriers to keep him at bay.

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