The Irish man that stole my heart

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Ahhhhhhhhhh! I can't believe it! I got tickets to see one direction in concert. I said through my I phone 5 to my best friends Jade. ya I know that's cool. No please don't hang up. I said fastly. I won't you to come please pretty please? I begged. finebuti am not wearing something that has them on it or a dress u undersatand. ya K bye....... wait it is tonight. well thanks for telling me on sutch sort notice. ya b-          beep beep beep. she hung up on me, urg.

                                            sorry this is boring but I promise it will get better.

                                                 ch. 2

                                                         * that night*

  ( I drove 3 hours just to get close to the arena.) oh ya I got v.i.p   s- but I got cut of by this large man  sorry v.i.p. only. I parked and followed Paul to the boys. I was supprised that there were only 3 other girls here. hi we are one direction. they said as they approached but the blonde wouldent stop starring at me with his beautiful sparkling eyes. It was silent for a couple of minutes until Harry said we need to go we will do pictures after. Ok we all said but Niall wouldn't look away from me and I couldn't look away form him even on stage I want, I want but that's just not me. We all sang along. Hi im Niall Horan. Ya I know I said. And you said Niall. Oh ya my name is Taia. Nice to meet you Taia. Ya you to do you want to go out some time? Ya that would be great. He peaked me on the lips and said good-bye.I was in shock. Wait he yelled as I walked away. Ya I said as I stoped . Number? Oh ya 406-297-7775 (don't know whose number don't call) thanks. Ya oh and I almost forgot. JADE GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW OR I WILL LEAVE WITHOUT YOU. Ok ok im coming. Geez.. bye Harry. He kissed her and they exchanged numbers while I wated in the car. (after I fell asleep my phone rang) "You don't know your beautiful'.my cell rang. ya I said tried. ( because I just got up) Hello beautiful. hey babe. how are  you? good. BANG BANG. hold on a sec I walk to the window and opened I wene niall jumped in a scarred me half to deth. He kissed me so long that I had to pull back to get air and I felt light headed.

                                                    ch. 3

                                                          * 3 years later*

          We found out that I was pregnant and it was a girl we found a name for her Hannah. we loved that name. A few weeks later niall purposed I cried a lot and I said yes of course. we got married my friends set it all up and Jade and Harry set up the honeymoon ( they also got married) before I had the baby. We had just got 4 billon dollars from his manager so we bought a house together and we got baby clothes, diapers,  and camping stuff. After all that we had  3 in a half dollars. 69cents. Then we went camping wene we got there he pecked me on the lips and said I love you. I love you too I said back. I wan't I wan't but that's not me. my phone rang. Yes? I said this is you're doctor and it's a false alarm you are not pregnant. sorry. I froze and siad. it's ok and I hung up and cried.


     We are pretty sad it was a false alarm. So we tried again and we got a boy we named him Hunter. We loved that name. holy bloody hell niall we I am pregnant again and we are naming her Hannah. anyways. harry came over and said I love you Taia and things got physical. I got pregnant again so  I had sex with niall to cover it up and we named her zila we loved that name also.  I felt really bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2013 ⏰

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