Chapter 2

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I saw this girl come in school she looks so hot wait what did I really just say that I already got her scent she's a werewolf like me and my friends I hope she knows she is a werewolf yeah she probably does know she is a werewolf I saw all my friends staring at the new girl and her brother well I hope that is her brother yes it is cause he has the same scent as the girl we went to class then they came in "class we have new students there names are Hope Moon and Abraham Moon"the teacher said I was so glad that he was her brother not her boyfriend "tell us about your self"he said the girl looked at her brother with worry "sir my sister doesn't talk"he said "she doesn't talk"the teacher said repeating the words the boy said "yup"Abraham said "take a seat"the teacher said they walked to the back the girl walked to the back of me I turned around and looked at her she looked at me with those blue eyes like mine I turned back around and had a stupid smile on my face class was over and I walked to my friends in the front of the class then Hayes went over to the girl and took her notepad he looked through all the pages and finally spoke so I ease dropped on them "you like werewolves"he asked she nodded her head "you love werewolves"he asked she nodded her head again and he walked away and came to us "hey guys you know the new girl hope"hayes said and not letting us answer "I think she is a werewolf"he said "why would you say that"carter asked "cause she only draws werewolves"he said "the only way to find out is that we have to get her mad"Cameron said and they all looked at me I looked at hope and she looked at me "okay" I said and looked away from her but I just felt her staring at me and we finally walked out the class room I didn't want to get her mad what if this will be the first time shifting she came out the class room alone not with her brother he was probably finding some friends she came to her locker and we followed her there Cameron was the first one to do something "hey mute freak"he said and I started getting mad but Hayes put a hand on my shoulder to tell me to calm down then carter came up to her and pushed her books down I listened to her heart to see if she was getting mad but she wasn't her heartbeat was still they all went except for me they werent even getting her mad then I came up and went in her face I was way to close to her,her heart started beating fast she is getting mad cause of me she pushed me off and looked away I looked at the boys but they just told me to go and get her more mad "but you can't look"I said and all of them nodded except for Hayes I turned around and went closer to her,her heart beat started going up I touched her chin and pulled her face to look at me when I saw her eyes they weren't her normal blue they were dark dark blue I backed away but before I could do anything she shifted her wolf was big and her fur was dark blue she came closer to me all the boys shifted but she wasn't scared she just howled then came running her brother when he was running he jumped up and shifted his wolf was light blue and bigger than hope and came next to hope they both growled at us I came closer to hope and her brother went to the boys to see what I am doing she backed away I came closer and she stopped she looked down and ran I ran after and shifted in my wolf which is blue and I followed behind her and she ran out the school and in the woods I followed behind her and she stopped at a tree she was looking at it and I came next to her she than layed down and I layed next to her she put her head under my head and I put my head on top of her head then I heard a howl and I howled back to tell Cameron that I found hope and I'm laying with her in the woods then I started to get sleepy and the darkness took over...........

P.s when they change into human they have the same clothes on bye


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