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Gon and Killua run through the fog on the first day of the Hunter exam.

"I hear people screaming all around us." Gon says with a worried look on his face.

"Just stay on your guard." Killua, says with no worries.

"I wonder if leorio and Kurapika are okay..." They both continue to run in silence.

Killua slowly stops "mm?" Gon stops after him. Killua looks down as the ground below them falls.

Gon's POV
It's dark.. I cant see anything..
"Killua..!" I try moving but feel something under me. I lift one of my hands to move but the large frog starts walking and I slip landing on the thing under me.

"Oi! Gon! Watch where your touching!" I sit up with one eye open. I can see.. Kinda.

"Killua.. I got slobber in my eye!" I wipe it with my free hand and look under me.

"I don't care. Just watch where your touching, Baka" killua's legs?

"Killua..?" I try moving again and look behind me.
"Go-" slime drips on killuas face as he freaks out and wipes it.

"Gros-" the giant frog hops as we bounce. My face lands in killuas crotch..

"OI!!" Killua screeches a bit.

"It was an accident!" I sit up but the frog jumps again and I hit the top of the stomach and land back on top of killua. Killuas face. Is way too close.

"It's so slimy.." I wipe the goo from my face. I feel killuas breathing. On my thighs.

"KILLUA! n-not there!" My face starts heating up I burry my face in the closest spot. Killuas crotch. Oops....

"Mm- GON STOP" Killua knees me in the nose.

"Owe~" I rub it.
"We need to get outta here"

"But how..?"

Killua's POV
Gons all slimy.. His.. Rear is in my face and I can feel his breathing in my lower region..
Everytime this fucker jumps Gons face lands in my crotch.
I mean not hard but.. It's just... Weird......

"Killua.. Its hot.."
"I know! We need to get outta here!"
What can get us out of here... Oh!
"Gon! I have an idea, can u reach into my pocket and get the can of juice?"

"Y-yeah" Gon breaths out.

I feel Gons hand travel up my leg and into my pocket.

His hand tickles. I look to the side. My face starting to heat up.

"Gon~" I cover my mouth. Gon stops moving.

"G-got it.." I hear him open the can.

Few minutes later the boys got out. Both utterly embarrassed and confused.

I have no idea why I wrote this.
*climbs in trash can*

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