Kanabi bridge part 2

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(Last time on Back in Time!)

I closed my eyes
I heard the noise of knifes ripping through flesh, but I felt no pain. I opened my eyes to see black hair in my face. My eyes widened as only one person here was that tall and had that coloured hair, then I heard a voice, it wasn't weak, just pained...
My eyes widened as realization sunk in "Sasuke!"

(Now on back in time!)


Sasuke started to sway slightly and then tilt back, Sakura quickly caught him as he started to fall backwards.

With the extra weight Sakura fell to her knees, Sakura looked over at the kunai's buried in Sasuke's stomach and quickly realized that they had not hit any major vital spots. Sighing in relief Sakura looked at Sasukes face to see he was still awake, reaching over, she grabbed a kunai and gently pulled it out to not damage anything else. As Sakura pulled out the first kunai, Sasuke winced and made a hissing noise. Looking over to make sure that he was ok, Sakura's eyes filled with concern, Sasuke nodded to show he was alright.

Naruto had woken up and was looking around. He quickly spotted Sasuke and also Sakura as she pulled out the second kunai, he looked up slightly higher to see the faces of team Minato and his father. His eyes slightly widened seeing the leader of the original team seven, he shook his head to snap him out of it and looked back at Sasuke.

Anger and realization seemed to flash across Naruto's eyes, he got up and took out a kunai as he ran in front of his teammates, positioning the knife so that the blade was in front of his left cheek, going down on a slight diagonal angle. He glared at each and everyone from team Minato for five seconds each with a deadly ice-filled stare before asking in a dark voice "who hurt Sasuke, Sakura?"

Naruto POV:

I glanced at Sakura as she quickly pointed her finger in little Kakashi's direction then went back to healing the stab wounds on Sasuke. I turned to the younger Kakashi and gave him a hard glare, then released a strong yet, focused amount of killer intent (KI) on the kid Hatake. The young protege was started to shake from the sheer amount of KI being directed at him. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Rin and Obito go wide eyed and shaking slightly, my father was glaring at me and glancing back at his student Kakashi. His eyes immediately filled with concern when Minato saw him, his right hand twitched slightly closer to his pouch filled with his special kunai.

My focus went back to the one who injured my best friend, who was still shaking. My lips twitched upwards in to a crooked smile, 'Just one more push' I thought with the twisted smile still on my face. I turned my head on a 45 degree angle to the right and using the smallest amount of Kurama's chakra I could get, making so it was undetectable I did a... slight alteration to my appearance.

For half a second, my eyes went blood red.

But it did the trick, Kakashi's eyes widened as big as saucers and he fell backwards. The frightened ninja backed up till he hit his back on a tree, panting as hard as he could all the way, it was as if he just ran 300 laps around the leaf village with no breaks.

I gave him a closed eye smile I learned from sensei and turned away from him.

Minato POV:

I watched as the boy who had a significant resemblance to me glare at Kakashi. I glanced at Kakashi to see how he was handling the K.I. that I could practically see coming off of the boy, when all of a sudden Kakashi fell backwards and backed up till he hit a tree. I turned my head back to mini-me to see him give my student a closed eye smile and sauntered to the adult of the group, who just happened to look exactly like Kakashi.

The boy turned around when he was standing in between who I understood as Sasuke and Sakura, and the Kakashi look-alike. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience my friends and I have caused." Said the boy as he bowed "Let us introduce ourselves I'm..." Just when the boy went to speak, he turned to the jounin and I heard him say "Sensei, can I tell them?" In return the sensei of team- whatever shrugged and said "you two are the ones that brought us here" gesturing to the boy dubbed Sasuke.

I was slightly confused on how two kids brought them here, but I had chosen to remain quite and listen.

The blonde turned back to us and gave my team and I a warm smile. "As I was saying, I'm Naruto, and we're from the future!" My eyes widened slightly, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see my students eyes widen too. "My team and I traveled back in time to save the world from, chaos, destruction, and the end of all life as we know it!" Naruto said in a very happy voice. I glared at him "Time travel isn't possible, and what do you mean 'the end of all life'" I said in a demanding voice.

Naruto smiled and looked at me. "Not yet it's not, and we will tell you later, back to introductions!" Everyone sweat dropped besides Nartuo. "The bastard here is Sasuke Uchiha, the pink-haired one is Sakura Haruno, and... My sensei here is-" he suddenly stopped and became confused. My students and I wondered why he didn't say his sensei's name when he turned to the adult and said "what should we call you sensei?"

He eye smiled and simply said "my name"

Naruto turned around and gestured to the jounin and said "His name is Kakashi Hatake!"


Team Minato's eyes widened as 3/4 of the team looked at the young protege while young Kakashi looked at the older Kakashi.

"WHAT!!!" Yells the short raven haired boy. Every one in the clearing looks at him as he yells again "EVEN MORE OF HIS FACE IS COVERED!"


Team Kakashi started to laugh in their own ways.
Sakura was giggling with a hand on her mouth, ready to burst out laughing.
Sasuke and Kakashi were chuckling, although, Sasuke's was a bit louder.
Naruto however was full out laughing.

As they stopped laughing and older Kakashi took a few steps forward and spoke. "There is a reason why this eye is covered Obito, because of this mission I lost an eye." Kakashi reached up, grabbed his headband, and pulled it up to expose his scarred eye. "Something else happened on this mission though, something that caused me to get this..." He had slowly walked over during the conversation, now he was in front of Obito. He got down on his right knee and put his left arm on his leg so it looked like a plus sign. He slowly opened his closed right eye and Obito took a step back, Kakashi also saw and stood there shocked as he looked at Obito and his future-selfs eye

Kakashi stood back up and looked down at Obito as he pulled his headband over his sharingan eye. "I would do anything, to keep me from getting this eye a second time." He said then turned around and walked back to his group.
Milo's POV:

Location: unknown

Time: Tuesday 8:15


"I don't own Naru- eeep!" *Dodge's rotten tomatoes* "Ruto! And if I did-" *rolls behind knocked over table to avoid kitchen knifes* "It would be messed up!" *runs away from flying acid* "GOD DAM IT!!! I SAID I WAS SORRY!!!"

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