Chapter 26.)

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Lucas pov: I woke up out of my bed and stretched I sat up on my bed with my head and my hands thinking about what happened today. I remembered everything that happened and felt like a total asshole. I probably caused some problems for will and Asia too and I ain't even mean to I ain't know shorty would ever take care of me like that I went to go look for her to say thank you but she wasn't here in the house. "She left out with will earlier" djaay said I nodded and sat down on the couch besides him we started talking about me and Asia and all of that stuff and how I'm taking things and all of that... "Bro honestly I do know where your coming from with all this but you gotta chill and let it work out for the better if she's meant to be with you it'll happen if she's meant to be with will bro... It'll happen" I nodded and took in everything he said. Then the door opened in walked a tear stain faced Asia with will following up. Asia walked straight into her room not acknowledging anyone "what the fuck your do to her bro" an angry me yelled at will. He shook his head "you. Shut the fuck up. Djaay bro Asia lost her baby" when he said that everything hit me. "How? What are you talking about?" Djaay asked will "her stomach has been acting up today at the carnival she felt like a stabbing pain I took her to the hospital hands down and when we got there they ran some test and everything and the doctors sitting here talking about abortion pills got into her system" will responded rubbing his hands over his waves "did you ask her if she too-" " yeah I did ask she was shocked out her mind, I looked her in her eyes she doesn't know how they got into her system bruh... Seems like everyone's out to get her but what for?" 🤔 I stayed silent this whole time they talked I couldn't say anything. I was in shock I knew how it happened I knew there was a possibility Jasmine would follow through I knew there were gonna be consequences I just didn't expect for everything to happen so quick.
Asia pov: I laid down in my bed with my clothes still on as tears sprung down my face... There was no point of wiping them away they just kept streaming down. I'm so confused as to how I had abortion pills in my system and didn't even know about it. Did I take them by accident thinking they were one of my pain killer pills? I started instantly hating myself I killed my own baby. I felt like a murderer, I felt like a twisted human being how can I do something like that? I know that I was raped. I know that the baby father is diggy and I never wanted that but now I have to live life everyday knowing that the baby that I wanted to keep that I wanted to hold onto was gone. I held onto my stomach and scrunched up into a ball face in my knees I hated this feeling. The feeling that I was feeling was more than just words. I felt gross, disgusted, revolted within myself. I'm a killer and I can't take that back... I wish I could. Maybe this is gods sign in telling me that it just isn't my time yet. Maybe this is him telling me that I'll have another chance... Just maybe.  I laid in the bed not even bothering to changed my clothes still wrapped up in that little ball balling my eyes out. I was trying to go to sleep so I wouldn't have to feel the pain that I feel right now. I know sooner or later I'll just be numb. That's how this always works...
I was laying down half way into a slumber when I felt a blanket wrap over me I knew it was will I didn't even bother to look up he rubbed my back and I stayed still keeping my breathing as steady as I can. I'm glad to have will here as an support system along with my brother and Lucas but right now I just want to be left alone....

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