Chapter 2:Whisper

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*Picture on the side is Andy with blonde hairXD*

Kellin's POV

"Isn't that Andy Sixx!?"Justin squeaked from inside the bus"Kellin!"he bounced up and down.

I looked up from my guitar,yup the boy was still as handsome as the last time I saw him.Only that the last time we talked,he was crying and yelling but he still looked beautiful"Yeah,that's him"I said bitterly.Andy thought I was an ass,and he needs to keep thinking that..

"And C.C! God! He's gorgeous!"Justin was basically pulling his hair out,I glanced up.C.C and Andy where walking up to us,C.C practically dragging Andy with him.

"Hay Kellin"C.C smiled and waved his arm"Kellin"he repeated.I took a deep breath and looked up at the beautiful creature infront of me.Andrew was by far the most flawless guy on this planet,everything about him was perfect;from the way his blue eyes would shine when he was happy,the way his beautiful blonde curls fell over his forehead and his deep,low,sexy voice that made everyone fall in love with him.

"C.C right? You're in Black Veil Brides?"I noticed Andy's cheeks turn a ravishing

shade of red.I always loved to see him blush,since his skin is so pail it makes him look breathtaking.

"Yeah and this is Andy"C.C looked over at Andy and rolled his eyes

"Hi"he mumbled but kept looking down.Thats it?! No,"Hay Kellin,how you been?".Well,two can play at these game.

"It's nice to meet you Andy.We've never meet before"It hurt me deeply to sat that,Andy was the best thing that happened to me.When he broke up with me my whole world shattered,he was and will always be my everything.

Andy's eyes met mine,his face was filled with emotions;mostly sadness and confusion"I....yeah We've never met"What? He couldn't have possibly forgotten me! As far as I knew I was an unforgettable person"C.C we have to go"Andy snapped

"But I'm hungry!"C.C glanced at me then back at Andy as we glared at each other

"You can eat here.We have plenty of good"I winked at Andy"Plus since we are going to be touring together we might as well get to know each other"I added,C.C grinned while Andy bit his pretty pink lip and looked back down.

"Andy! C.C!"two extremely handsome guys walked towards us;both with beautiful black hair and flawless faces"Kellin right?"the one I recognize  as Ashley smiled at me.It was amazing how breathtakingly beautiful he was

"Yeah,you must be Ashley"I smiled at him,Andy continued to look at the ground as if his eyes where glued to it"And Jinxx.I love you guys music"

"Thanks,call me Ash.We brought beers and pizza.Where's Jake?"Jinxx and Ashley  looked around

"Sleeping.Thats enough talking,I'm hungry"C.C grabbed the pizza box and walked into our tour bus.I was starting to like him,no wonder Justin was in love with him.

"He's like that"Ashley looked at me then back at Andy;who still wouldn't look up! Maybe Ashley knew something? No,I don't think so.I never told anyone about us and I'm sure Andrew wouldn't either."Can we go inside?"he chuckled softly

"Yeah sure"I grinned as the walked into my bus.Andy and Ashley stayed behind;quietly talking

"Yeah I'm good"I heard Andy say before coming inside.He took a quick look around and sat down in the back.

I sat on the floor next to Jinxx,I took a bite of my pizza and immediately moaned, it was delicious.

I took a quick glance at Andy,he looked extremely adorable;nibbling on his food.Justin was sitting next to C.C looking up at him like he was a god and Ashley was infront of the TV probably watching "Hello Kitty"

"Are you okay Andy?"Jinxx spoke up,we all turned to look at him.If only I could hug him and kiss him

"Yeah,I'm just tired"he answered and looked out the window.He sighed sadly and played with his fingers.I could tell he was lying,he was terrible at it.But,I couldn't do anything about it.No matter how badly I wanted to

"You like Andy don't you"Jinxx leaned closer to me"You guys would make a cute couple"he looked at me in that crazy stalker kind of way

"I don't like Andy"I snapped and glanced down at my phone.I couldn't wait for this tour to be over....

Later that night.....

I tossed and turned in my small bunk-bed  but I couldn't sleep.Gabe was snoring peacefully above me.How could I possibly sleep? After seeing Andy today all the memories I had about him came back.His eyes looked so sad;lifeless and empty.

After a couple of minutes I finally gave up.I threw my shirt on and walked outside,the cold night air hit my skin making me shiver.I walked up to the beach,the waves softly hit the shore then left.I sat down on the soft sand

"You can't sleep huh?"Ashley sat down next to me,wearing nothing but his boxers.

"Yeah,Im too tired to sleep.That doesn't make sense does it?"I smirked and looked up at the water

"It does.Andy is crying in his sleep so none of us can sleep.I don't know what happened to him.He's never like this"Ashley eyed me then looked away"Kellin,you need to talk to him"

I froze"W-why me? I don't know him"I stuttered

"Kellin"Ashley sat down infront of me"I know about you two.Im not going to judge you or anything but you need to talk to him.He looks so sad and I'm worried about him.Please,at least stop acting like you don't know him"his eyes filled with tears"Look,I'm not asking you to go fix what you broke but talk to him.Andy is suffering right now,and you're the only one that can help him"he spoke softly before getting up and walking away.

I shook my head and got up,why did I even agree to go on this tour? I was walking back to my bus when I heard soft weeping.

I followed the noise until I reached Andy.He sat with his back to me and his feet inside a pool.His shoulders shook violently as he cried.I clenched my hands and walked up to him

"Andy?"I spoke softly as if I where talking to a child.He looked up at me with his beautiful eyes;which where red and puffy

"W-what a-a-are you doing here?"he hiccuped and wiped his nose"Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

I pulled off my shirt and wrapped his around his slim figure,he only had his boxers on and the wind was starting to pick up"Andy,why are you crying?"I pulled him into my arms and stoked his back.He snuggled his head into my chest and sighed

"I can't sleep"he answered.I kissed the top of his head,his hair smelled heavenly"Kellin,I miss you so much"

"Shhh,go to sleep okay? I'll stay here with you"I tighten my grip around him"God Andy! You're freezing"I scowled him

"Am I dreaming?"he asked innocently

"Andy,just close your eyes"I ordered.He sighed and closed his eyes.When I was sure he was sleeping I slowly got up;still keeping my arms around him.The problem was that he was a bit taller then me so I couldn't pick him up in my arms.

"He finally calmed down?"Ashley was waiting outside their bus"Thanks Kellin"he smiled shyly

"Ashley,don't tell him I did this"I slowly placed Andy in his arms,he stirred but didn't wake up"Tell him he went to sleep early or something"I said

"So,you want him to keep thinking you're an asshole?"he smirked"Kellin,I don't want to cause anymore problems between you and Andy.This is just between you too."he looked down at Andy then back at me"But if that's what you want to do.I won't tell him anything but I don't like lying to Andy"he's tone got serious"You should go back before C.C or Jinxx wake up"he turned around and walked towards their bus"Thanks again"he murmured

"Yeah,no problem.Ill see you in rehearsals tomorrow"I frowned and walked back to my bus.I couldn't let this happen again,and I sure as hell didn't want to see Andy tomorrow.

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