Chapter 12

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"Regaining health is more difficult an objective then becoming ill. Becoming ill is a random act of ignorance and regaining health is an intentional effort in frustration." Richard Diaz


Chapter Twelve

After having a little visit with his son, Luke was feeling somewhat positive. Any sort of positive feeling felt very foreign to him. He was so used to feeling low and dejected. But he could see a light at the end of the tunnel ... figuratively, of course. Jamie did not seem to mind, or notice, his disability, and Isabella was going to stand by him.

Luke would move forward. He would push himself no matter how hard it would be. This was his life, and he needed to live it for his family.

After playing soldiers with Jamie for a short while, he was taken away by a maid sent to collect him for his morning tea. His life was so simple and innocent.

While he sat by himself, fiddling with one of Jamie's soldiers in his hand, Luke pondered venturing out into the house for the first time since his return. He had managed to memorise his bedroom; he might as well start to learn the rest of the house.

If Isabella planned on standing by him as he continued to adjust to his new course, he owed it to her to be present in her life as well. He needed to participate in family dinners. He needed to participate in many aspects of his family's social lives. It was not fair to expect them to keep making excuses for him.

He was not the first man to ever be blinded, after all.

Luke was unsure of how long he had remained sitting in his bedroom, but after a while he had conjured the courage to leave his bedroom for the outside world. Luke could imagine that he looked very pale after so long without being outside. He certainly did not feel as firm and solid in his body as he once had. He did miss getting a bit of exercise every day.

Using his memory of the bedroom, Luke navigated his way towards the door. He moved slowly and precisely, but eventually, he found the doorknob.

Before he could turn it himself, his bedroom door was opened from the other side. He had to stagger back to avoid being hit by the door.

He was greeted by the voices of Matthew, Annaliese, and Isabella, all exclaiming and apologising to him.

Luke immediately felt hands on his forearms. Both were small, so he presumed they belonged to Annaliese and Isabella.

"Luke, we have ... news." Matthew's voice sounded strange.

"News?" he repeated. Nobody responded as he was led by Isabella back over to the settee.

There was clear tension in the room, but Luke chose instead to concentrate on the blind faith he had in Isabella. Blind faith, what a joke. But that is what it took to be led by someone. Utter trust. Blind faith.

Luke and Isabella had been married for longer than they had actually spent time together. This blind faith he had in her meant a great deal to him.

"Luke," said Isabella softly as they were seated. Her voice sounded strange as well. She sounded shocked and angry, but frightened at the same time. "What did your doctor in London ever tell you about your condition?" she asked.

Luke was very confused at this sudden turn of events, but nevertheless, he played along. Luke thought back to his time in the London hospital. He remembered great pain, anger, frustration, and suffering. Mary had been there every step of the way to support him. But, now that he thought about it, he could not remember having a direct conversation with his doctor.

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