San Francisco

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I sit in the back of Jane's dads truck, his name as I found out is, Jim Callaway.

We have been on the road for two hours, and since there was a lot of traffic it was takeing us three times the time to get there on a good lesser traffic day.

We stoped once for the bathroom and to get some drinks then we kept going.

Jane was still mad at me for putting a gun to her dads head, and I don't blame her.

I was behind the driver looking out the window.

Jane was in the middle, her chin resting on the seat in front of her, eyes shut but she wasn't asleep.

I wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her I was sorry for the second time, but I didn't want to push it.

Kaleb had the 9mm between his legs, takeing the clip out, opening the action, then putting it back together.

Kalebs dog was in the flatbed in the very back.

Berry was snoring like a bear in the front seat on the passengers side.

Jim would look at me from time to time in the driver mirror, but every time he saw me noticing he would scowel and look back on the road.

Maybe he was mad because the first time we met I knocked him out, or maybe because his daughter had a BF without him knowing it, and I cant blame him.

Hey! I don't realy like him ethier but I have to live with it.

I took a sip of my Coca-Cola and asked, "Been to san Francisco before, Jim?"

Jim looks up at the mirror with a surprised look like he didn't actually think I wouldn't ask him any thing.

then he looks at the road and says, "Few times, once when I went to a play, the Grinch who stole Christmas, then with Jane and we went to a Giants game"

"You're a Giants fan?!"

Jim looks at me curious again, probably wondering if I'm going to say something negative about it after words.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yep, a big one, my favorite player is Tim Lincecum"

"Nice, I like Maddison Bumgardner"

Janes eyes flash open and smiles, but when she sees me, her smile fades.

Jim sees her smile go out as well and looks away.

"Want to pull over, see if traffic goes down?" Kaleb asks, stuffing the gun in his front pocket.

"Well, if we keep going we might get there in about 30 or so minutes, but if we stop, you never know if the traffic will increase," Jim said, then kept his eyes on the road for a while and then asks, "Do you guys like fishing and hunting?" he asks, and this time I'm surprised he asked me something.

"Yeah! actually me and Kaleb went to a hunting club and shot some phesants in march"

"Wow! that must have been fun, how about fishing?"

Kaleb answers this in a heart beat.

"Bass fishing!"

"There good eating too, I thought you guys were like other kids, I like to call them city boys, just never gets out in the open."

Then Berry gets up holding his stomach yelling, "Speaking of 'in the open' I think we need to pull over...Like right now!"

Jims eyes go wide in the mirror.


Jim weeves out of traffic, Berrys whole face turns fgreen and pale.

Jim finally finds a way to pull over next to some un-occupied road kill, next to the fast track.

As Berry emptys his stomach, and Jim helps hold his clothes out of the way, I turn to Jane.

"Hey...Jane, I'm sorry, I just do-"

without giving me a chance to finish she asks, "Is this because of John disinergrating?"

" not sure....maybe."

Kaleb then turns our way.

I then look away from Kaleb and Jane.

Jane sighs, then Berry and Jim gets back in the car, and Jim starts the car and hums, "On the road again"

we were in San Fracisco in about 20 minutes, the traffic had went down a little bit.

We found a hotel and parked the car.

We then went up to the desk where a dark blonde haired women with a name tag that read, Claire, asked, "How many rooms?"

"Two" Jim says,

"That will be 40 dollars for the two rooms, each costing 20 dollars each, but it will cost you extra for the little boy," she eyes Berry,

Jim nods, and mumbles, "How did I even listen to a kid," and chuckles, as he hands Claire 100 dallors,

Then she hands him the room keys.

"And how long will you be staying?"

Jim gives me a key and eyes me with a questioning look.

I shrug my shoulders and bit on my lips.

"Two weeks," he finally says

"Ok then," says Claire. "We will have your bill in one of your rooms," she smiles as we walk away.

Me, Kaleb, Berry, and kalebs dog all got the same room, and Jane and her dad were together.

Our room wasn't that big, it had a bathroom, two beds, and a tv.

Then my phone rang,


"Layne! Where have you been!" My mom yells on the other side,

"Mom its ok, I-"

"No! where are you? I'm coming to pick you up..."

I freeze, why wasn't Infinitys mind tricks working???

Then the phone gave a long sigh and breath "Oh...sorry who is this?" My mom asks like she just lost her keys.

I quickly hang up and take a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Bro," Kaleb puts a hand on my shoulder. "Whats wrong?"

I shrug him off. "Nothing! ...Its nothing, you guys take the beds ill take the floor."

And befor Kaleb could say anything back, I take a pillow and without a blanket I lay down on the floor next to the bed Berry took.

and slowly, I drift, in a dark earth shaking sleep...

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