The Silver One

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One day they will attack you. Just as they did me. I was walking home through the park and I spotted Ravens sitting on a tree branch, watching and waiting for the right moment. As soon as I saw them I immediately ran as fast as possible but I tripped. That was their moment. They soar through the sky towards me. If I hadn't been so entranced by their eerie beauty then I would have moved, but I didn't.

I woke up 3 hours later with deep gashes all over my body. Since it was summer I stupidly wore white shorts and a black tank top with white writing. All over my legs, arms, face and even some on my back. Which I was laying on! How the heck did they do that!? I looked around, people were scattered. No one ever helps each other anymore. I guess we all just figured every person for them selves. So we don't even ask if someone is okay if they fall, but that's just the way it's been. It's 2050 and absolutely no one has done anything to stop this awful takeover.

Sometimes I wonder if other people can see the Ravens too. Or what life would be like if we weren't living in these conditions. Hospitals are always filled so I started to learn how to help my wounds. I live in a basement of a condo that was abandoned after the attacks. I'm sure someone would be wondering why I don't live in the nice part, but if I go above the Ravens will find me. Besides, the basement isn't that bad. I found old computers that I made work and a mattress and a sheet that was left behind in the rush. So this is my home sweet home.

They're planning something. Something bigger than this, bigger than us. You know how I know this? I can... understand what the Ravens are thinking. I know it sounds crazy but when I look at them I seem to know what they're going to do next.

"CAW! CAW!" As soon as I heard the loud screech I bolted to my feet. My first thought was, How could a Raven get in here? Then I looked at it. It was a shimmery black with silver claws and beak. It was talking to me!

We need you! All of us need your help!


You're one of us. The Raven replied then it flew out.

I was kind of in shock so I didn't move from where I was standing. How can I even understand a Raven!? This is crazy! Completely and totally crazy! You know what? I'm done! I'm gonna go fly to Rome, Italy! And that's exactly what I should have done! But I didnt, it's that stupid Ravens "words" they've gotten in my head. And they won't come out.

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