•A Ring Thief•

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Detective Gordon sat down at his desk, "Why are you asking about Antonio?" He asked straightening the stacks of papers on his desk.

I sat down in the chair in front of his desk, "Because he killed my Mother and I would like Justice to be served, or any other cheesy line like that to cover up the fact that I really want to kill him." I said tightening my fist, my knuckles turned a ghostly white.

Detective Gordon sat back in his chair, "I'll put out a bounty on him--" he began.

I looked at Gordon's crystal blue eyes, "You can if you want, but I'll be getting to him first." I smirked.

He shook his head in a disapproving manner, "Killing him won't make this right, Clark. Yes, he did something absolutely terrible and he will pay for that severely, but murdering him isn't the way to go." He sighed, casting an understanding smile my way.

I stood up from the chair, I had to make Antonio regret ever coming to, Gotham, even if I do end up behind bars. "Then get to him first before I do." Turning on my heel I walked down the stairs.

Walking by the cages full of criminals one reached out for me.

"What the hel--"

The man took me by the arm, pulling me closer he whispered. "I know where you can find Anotnio." He began.

Looking down at his hand, he quickly released, "And where would that be?" I asked.

He smirked, his intense emerald green eyes shining. "I tell you where to find him, and you get me out, deal?" He said crossing his arms.

I looked around, all the police officers and Detectives were fast at work, turning back to him I smiled, "Sounds like a plan. What's your name?"

He brushed his light brown hair away from his eyes, "Adler, and you?"

"TigerGirl, now where is Antonio?" I whispered.

He leaned in, "He's at a meeting with The Penguin. Of course, I was supposed to attend, but Antonio thought otherwise and tipped off the cops saying that I was selling stolen Jewels." He huffed, cracking his neck, "It was just a sixty thousand dollar ring, what's the big deal." Adler said rolling his eyes.

I shook my head, "Yeah really." I grinned, my voice oozing with sarcasm.

He shook his head in agreement, "The meeting starts at Eight, room 756. Have fun." Adler said stepping away from the bars, with a satisfied look in his eyes.

I nodded and walked away to the front of the GCPD.

I really don't think I can get Adler out of there. He stole a Sixty thousand dollar ring and then sold it..

And said it was no big deal.


We were all back in Selina's office, sitting around the Desk we made a plan on how we would all sneak into the building.

Batman ruffled through the map levels, "there's a one thousandth floor in that building."

And with that we made plans, scribbled them out, and then set them into action.


"Are you ready, Tiger?" Robin said from behind me, he patted my back and then dropped his hand to his side.

I rolled my shoulders, "More ready then I'll ever be." I growled.

Batman put a few more items into his belt and then his voice filled the night.

"Let's go."



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